Vein Treatment

What Can You Do for Varicose Veins & When to Seek Help

Family sitting around a table for a holiday dinner.

Varicose and spider veins affect as many as one in five adults. While these tend to be more of a cosmetic issue for most people, they can contribute to more serious medical conditions.

Having a good understanding of what varicose and spider veins are, as well as knowing what to look for, can help you avoid any of these possible complications and seek care when needed.

What Are Varicose and Spider Veins?

Spider veins are the smaller, often reddish, veins that sit just under the surface and resemble a spider’s web. Varicose veins are deeper and can be red, blue, or skin-colored. These are larger veins that often appear enlarged and rope-like. Both these conditions are caused by malfunctions within your veins.

Those tiny, web-like veins on your legs are known as spider veins, and are due to issues with the valves in your veins.

Your veins carry your blood throughout your body and this flow is controlled by one-way valves within the veins. When these valves malfunction, blood can leak backwards, filling the vein and putting pressure on the vein walls.

When this occurs, spider veins or varicose veins develop. Varicose and spider veins most often appear in the legs because these veins are responsible for the greatest blood transport against gravity.

How Do You Know When You Need Treatment?

In most cases, spider or varicose veins do not cause any medical complications. Blood will reroute through other veins in your body. However, in some cases, spider and varicose veins can cause symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is time to talk with your doctor about treating your varicose veins:

  • The vein becomes swollen, red and tender and warm to the touch
  • Sores or rashes begin to appear on your legs or ankles
  • You develop skin discoloration
  • Pain or discomfort keeps you from your daily activities

What Treatment Options Are Available for Spider and Varicose Veins?

Treatment for spider and varicose veins can begin with self-care, such as elevating the legs, taking breaks from sitting and standing for long periods, or compression stockings. If none of these are successful, a variety of different varicose vein treatment options are available and include:

  • Sclerotherapy— This is a procedure used to treat spider veins, and occasionally varicose veins. With this procedure, a solution is injected into the vein that irritates the lining of the vessel. This irritation causes the vein to shrink and the blood to clot. Eventually, the veins will dissolve and fade. Sclerotherapy takes 15 to 30 minutes and you must wear compression stockings for 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure.
  • Endovenous Thermal AblationEndovenous thermal ablation, such as ClosureFast, inserts a thin catheter into the damaged varicose vein. This catheter delivers radio frequency energy that heats the veins walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is sealed, blood reroutes to other veins and the damaged vein dissolves and fades over time.
  • Non-thermal, Non-Tumescent Therapy—Venaseal™️ is a new closure system that does not require heat or a numbing solution to close the vein. This procedure uses an advanced medical adhesive that seals and closes the damaged vein.
  • Microambulatory Phlebectomy— This is a minor surgical procedure that is usually reserved for the removal of varicose veins that do not disappear after other treatments. Microambulatory phlebectomy involves small incisions along the vein and the removal of the intact vein. The incisions are typically closed with steri-strips and heal within a week or so.

While these treatments are often sought out when symptoms occur, they can also be used to address the cosmetic issues associated with spider and varicose veins. If you are hiding your legs during the summer because you don’t want your veins exposed, laser treatments for spider and varicose veins are an option near you.


What Can You Do for Varicose Veins & When to Seek Help
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What Can You Do for Varicose Veins & When to Seek Help
The Vein Company explains what spider and varicose veins are, how you know when you might need treatment, and what treatment options are available.
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