Mommy Makeover

Wanting a Mommy Makeover Doesn’t Make You Selfish

Woman smiling in a poppy field with her babby girl.

Mother’s Day is around the corner, and while this day of celebration is wonderful, it also highlights something very important: for many moms, the only time they feel okay indulging themselves is when there is a “special” reason. Mother’s Day, their birthday — and that’s pretty much it. 

Why? Because mommy guilt is a real thing. Once you have kids to look after, it is easy to feel selfish whenever you spend time or money on yourself. This is why so many women looking to reclaim their bodies hesitate to schedule a mommy makeover.

Mommy Makeover Guilt

Mommy makeover guilt is run-of-the-mill mommy guilt on steroids. And it’s easy to understand why.

With a mommy makeover, you are spending thousands of dollars on your self-esteem. On top of the money spent, you have to take time away from home to get the procedure, plus weeks off most childcare duties as you recover. Add to that the current culture of body positivity that sometimes shames those who aren’t 100% thrilled with all of their flaws and you might even question what messages you are sending to your kids. 

But Is a Mommy Makeover Selfish?

We’ve all heard the phrase before: “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” While originally meant to apply to situations where kids make mom angry and pay the price, it has broader applications. When you don’t feel confident in yourself, struggle with your self-image and hide behind baggy clothing, the rest of your family takes note

Not everyone is wired to feel confident in the skin they’re in. And if you are one of those people who just aren’t, know that a happy and confident mom sends the right messages to her kids, whatever path she takes to get there. 

To put it simply: it’s okay to get plastic surgery after pregnancy. It’s okay to want to reclaim your body, and it doesn’t mean you aren’t thankful for motherhood. 

It’s Not All Aesthetic

On top of it being perfectly acceptable to want to look your best, not all mommy makeover procedures are just about aesthetics. After pregnancy, many women experience diastasis recti — where the abdominal muscles pull apart, causing weakness and pain — and excess skin — putting you at greater risk of developing infections in the folds. Both of these conditions can be corrected during a mommy makeover, depending upon the procedures you select. 

And No, You Aren’t Just Lazy

Society loves to portray plastic surgery as the easy way out, a shortcut out of dieting and exercising. But no matter how healthy you eat or how often you work out, it won’t correct loss of breast volume, separated abdominal muscles or loose skin. 

Not to mention that surgery isn’t the easy way out no matter what. For many mothers, the downtime after surgery is more taxing than weeks of two-hour gym sessions just because it’s hard to let people help you

Ultimately, no one else can decide if surgery is best for you. If you feel like it is right, drop the mommy makeover shame and reclaim your body. Remember: there is nothing wrong with loving yourself, no matter how you get there. 

Wanting a Mommy Makeover Doesn’t Make You Selfish
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Wanting a Mommy Makeover Doesn’t Make You Selfish
Is a mommy makeover selfish? Dr. Francesco Campanile of Campanile Tummy in Denver says no — children thrive with happy and confident mothers.
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