After Weight Loss Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck vs. Panniculectomy: Understanding the Difference

Tummy Tuck

Men and women who undergo drastic weight loss are often left with excess folds of skin that can prevent them from seeing their slimmer figure underneath. When it comes to addressing baggy skin around the abdomen, patients may benefit from either a tummy tuck (also known as abdominoplasty), a panniculectomy or both. In order to determine the best body contouring procedure for you, you’ll need to understand the difference between these two options.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a procedure aimed at improving the contours of the midsection. During a typical abdominoplasty, the surgeon pulls the two halves of the abdominal muscles together and removes a limited amount of excess fatty tissue. Finally, the stomach skin is tightened over your new body shape and any extra skin is removed.


A panniculectomy, on the other hand, is performed for the purpose of improving health by removing overhanging skin folds from below the belly button that extend down to the pubic region. Often, overhanging skin folds in this region can contribute to rashes and hygiene issues, both of which can be improved with a panniculectomy. A panniculectomy does not address skin folds above the belly button.

The Best Procedure for You

The best body contouring procedure for you depends on your concerns. If you are bothered by excess skin that hangs below your belly button, you may be a good candidate for a panniculectomy. However, if you also have skin folds above the belly button, you might benefit most from a combination of a panniculectomy and a tummy tuck. Your best bet is to schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to see which procedure will be best to help you meet your appearance goals.

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August 24, 2015
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August 24, 2015