Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck: Traditional or Drain-Free? 2 Questions to Help You Decide

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck can definitely be a self-confidence booster, as body contouring helps eliminate excess skin and tighten lax abdominal muscles that can’t be improved with diet or exercise. However, since there’s surgery involved, certain key elements need to be thought about beforehand. Here are two questions to help you decide which type of tummy tuck could be the most practical for you.

Can You Handle Post-Op Drains?

The question of post-surgical drains is something all patients should seriously consider before surgery. Because so few patients initially think about this reality when planning for their procedure, they can feel intimidated or out of their element when trying to balance recovery while managing their post-op drains and tracking fluid output.

A drain-free tummy tuck means not having to worry about dealing with this potentially messy situation during your recovery. Instead, you can simply focus on healing and enjoying your slim new contours. The special stitching technique used to prevent fluid buildup can also mean superior results and a more comfortable recovery.

Do You Need Liposuction Too?

If you need a little fine-tuning in addition to your tummy tuck, then a drain-free approach can offer a safe, effective way to incorporate liposuction at the same time. A combination tummy tuck with liposuction, also known as lipoabdominoplasty, can mean smoother body contours not only for your abdomen, but also around the love handles, flanks and transition areas for a beautiful final look. However, choosing a surgeon who is well-versed in this specialized technique is a must for the best outcome, as well as a safe and speedy recovery.

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January 28, 2015
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January 28, 2015