Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Photos: What To Look For

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck can positively impact your appearance and self-confidence, but picking the right surgeon is crucial for excellent results Tummy tuck photos are an excellent way to help you assess whether a particular surgeon is able to create the results you want. Tummy tuck photos also help clarify a your goals and ease your mind about what you can expect as your results develop.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is one of the more intensive cosmetic surgery procedures, which is part of the reason the results can be so positive, but this is another reason why it’s so essential to find a skilled surgeon for your procedure and be on the lookout for signs you need to look elsewhere:

  • First, you want to be on the lookout for specific types of scarring that might indicate unskilled or sub-par techniques. Depending on when the “after” photo was taken, it’s normal to see some scarring, but scars should be on the small side, narrow, and should have a fairly gentle, consistent curve. Watch uneven, jagged incision lines, and for extensive puckering or unevenness around the incision site.
  • Another important consideration is the belly button. It’s normal to expect some change to the position and appearance of your belly button after surgery, but the result should look natural and appropriately centered. Be on the lookout for asymmetry, odd puckering or wrinkling of the tissue around the belly button, or imbalanced fullness and tissue tension around the belly button.

Some of the things you are looking for with these tips are indicators of pseudoursa, a pattern of internal scarring that is often the root cause of unsatisfactory results for tummy tuck. This type of scarring is usually avoidable, because excellent surgeons utilize up-to-date techniques to ensure they tighten tissues precisely, without disrupting or harming surrounding tissues significantly in the process. This care and precision is difficult to identify

Another tip: look at your surgeon’s other body contouring procedure photos. Many tummy tuck patients also choose liposuction to recontour the hips and flanks, but more importantly your surgeon’s liposuction results will give you a clearer idea of how in tune your surgeon is with creating balanced results from patients with different body types and surgical goals.

So when it comes to choosing a surgeon, look for a doctor board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and who has plenty of experience performing tummy tuck and other cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries body contouring. Reconstructive and corrective procedures are not a “must” for a good surgeon, but they are a good indicator that a doctor has extra skill not only to produce good results, but to correct the complications of another surgeon’s work at the same time. Your surgeon’s photos and qualifications together won’t guarantee a perfect result, but they can certainly help you separate out the unskilled surgeons from the ones who are more likely to give your procedure the care and precision you deserve.

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September 20, 2013