
The Best Med Spa Treatments for Every Decade of Your Life

Young daughter kissing mother on the cheek

As we get older, it is completely natural and normal to lose the volume and bounce in our skin that makes us appear vibrant and youthful. Sagging skin, excess fat and wrinkles are also significant issues to contend with as we age. Since we can’t turn back the clock, it is good to know what kinds of treatments work best during our various stages of life. Get to know the best anti-aging treatments for every age and take control of the way you present yourself to the world.

Treatments for Your 20s

In your 20s, you may also be looking into how to stay dry during social situations. If you suffer from excessive sweating, you may have an option to control it with a treatment called miraDry. Hyperhidrosis is a genetic condition that makes you sweat more than the average person, which may leave you with wet, stained clothing while out in public. miraDry is a noninvasive procedure that targets and destroys the glands that cause sweat and odor.

Some women in their 20s elect to have injectable treatments such as dermal fillers and BOTOX® even before they see their first wrinkle. While injectables are some of the best anti-aging treatments for every age, BOTOX is used to temporarily smooth wrinkles and is sometimes used as a preventative measure to help reduce the possibility of fine lines forming in the first place.

Treatments for Your 30s

As you age, you may benefit from a combination of treatments that address various concerns.

Anti-aging treatments in your 30s may need to become more frequent. You may still be dealing with acne or you may start to see more wrinkles, crow’s feet or fine lines around your eyes and mouth. Injectable fillers may be a great way to treat and smooth those little lines. If you are interested in treatments that go beyond fillers, your skin may also benefit from a laser treatment to address concerns such as sun damage and dark spots at this age.

Treatments for Your 40s

During your 40s, you may benefit from stronger anti-aging treatments such as laser rejuvenation or dermal fillers for deeper folds in your skin. You may now be noticing more pronounced wrinkles near your eyes, nose and mouth as well as the loss of volume and elasticity of your skin throughout your body.

Cellulite is common in men and women of all shapes and sizes. One way to counteract the dreaded “cottage cheese” on our thighs and buttocks is through a treatment called Profound® RF. During the session, radiofrequency energy is used to stimulate cell and tissue regeneration by creating fractional thermal injuries within the skin. The goal of Profound RF is to smooth the skin and decrease the appearance of cellulite.

Treatments for Your 50s and Up

As you approach your 50s, you may be focused on excess fat that isn’t as easy to get rid of as it once was. Our metabolism slows as we age, which makes it more challenging to maintain a healthy body weight unless we make it a priority.

For stubborn fat that isn’t budging after a healthy diet and exercise, nonsurgical fat reducing treatment options such as EMSCULPT® or CoolSculpting® may be beneficial. EMSCULPT uses electromagnetic field technology to stimulate deep muscle contractions, which strengthen muscles while simultaneously inducing the breakdown of fat cells in the buttocks and abdomen area. CoolSculpting® can similarly reduce stubborn excess fat cells by using cryolipolysis technology to freeze excess fat in almost any area.

The Best Med Spa Treatments for Every Decade of Your Life
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The Best Med Spa Treatments for Every Decade of Your Life
Learn about the best anti-aging treatment for every age from the professionals at SpaVie Aesthetic Medical Spa in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas.
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