Tummy Tuck

The Best Candidates for a Mini Tummy Tuck

woman holding tummy

Everyone knows that a traditional tummy tuck can create a flatter, smoother midsection by removing excess skin and tightening lax abdominal muscles. Some people who do not need such an extensive surgical procedure but still want to tighten and tone their abdomen may also want to consider a “mini tummy tuck.”

The ideal candidate for a mini tummy tuck has excess skin and fat primarily between the belly button and the pubic bone. In contrast to traditional tummy tuck surgery, surgeons can generally avoid repositioning the belly button and can use a smaller incision with a mini tummy tuck. This often means a faster and more comfortable recovery.

Are You a Candidate?

Because a mini tummy tuck only corrects loose skin in a specific location, this procedure primarily benefits individuals who are fit and healthy overall. Patients who have experienced extreme weight loss or numerous pregnancies may not be able to sufficiently address their problem areas with a mini tummy tuck. For example, pregnancy can result in separated abdominal muscles that cause a visible paunch. Although a traditional abdominoplasty repairs and tightens these muscles, a mini tummy tuck only removes excess skin and fat. Similarly, visibly lax skin or excess tissue above the belly button usually requires a full tummy tuck to correct.

Count on your plastic surgeon to help you choose the right procedure for your unique anatomy and goals. In order to determine which tummy tuck technique is best for you, your surgeon will examine you and discuss your expectations. Being open, honest and realistic is essential to ensure that you get the results you want.

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April 14, 2014
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April 14, 2014