Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgery

Should I Bring a Selfie to My Plastic Surgery Consultation?

Plastic Surgery Consultation

By 2013, the selfie had become so commonplace that the word was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. You’ve likely sent selfies via texts to friends or family or added them to your social media account, but you may be surprised to learn that a selfie is a wonderful tool to bring to your plastic surgery consultation.

How Selfies Drive Surgery Statistics

Social media has caused many to place more importance on their appearance in an effort to put their best digital face forward.

The quest to take the best profile picture possible is arguably an obsession for many, and the highly-pixelated nature of modern smartphones means that every perceived flaw shows up in sharp, high-definition.Plastic surgeons report that many people, particularly millennials, cite the desire to look better in social media photos as a motivation for seeking cosmetic treatments and procedures.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Whether you’re interested in BOTOX® or breast augmentation, clearly conveying your goals to your plastic surgeon is imperative to get the results you want. Sometimes verbal descriptions can be vague or open to interpretation. For example, I’d like an “average” sized nose or “full” breasts can mean different things to different people. Plastic surgeons are appreciative when people bring in photos of the look they hope to achieve because it takes the guesswork out of the communication process.

In the past, people brought cutouts of magazine models to convey their goals, but now they routinely pull out their smartphones and swipe through Instagram pics and celebrity selfies to explain what they want to look like. Additionally, bringing in your own selfie to point out the flaw you hope to improve can also be incredibly helpful in making sure you and your plastic surgeon are on the same page.

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September 12, 2016