Tummy Tuck

Say ‘Yes’ to a No-Drain Tummy Tuck

woman sitting on a park bench

The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for both women and men, and it’s easy to see why. When weight loss, pregnancy or aging leave you with excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles, diet and exercise alone usually aren’t enough to get your body where you’d like it to be.

That’s where a tummy tuck comes in. However, not all tummy tucks are created equal, so before you schedule your procedure, you may want to look into the differences between a no-drain tummy tuck and traditional abdominoplasty. Chances are, you’ll want to say “yes” to the drain-free option.

The No-Drain Tummy Tuck Explained

To understand what the drain-free tummy tuck is, we have to first talk a little about how traditional abdominoplasty works. Typically, once any excess skin has been removed and tightened, there is an “open” space underneath your skin where fluid can accumulate. In a traditional procedure, drains are used to collect this fluid and minimize the risk of a seroma, or fluid buildup.

In a drainless tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon will use a quilting suturing technique to close this open space and therefore prevent fluid from being able to accumulate there. Although this does add an extra step to your abdominoplasty, a skilled plastic surgeon can achieve excellent results using this method that can end up making your recovery and results smoother and more comfortable.

Why Choose Drain-Free Abdominoplasty?

Talk to your plastic surgeon about adding liposuction to your no-drain tummy tuck if stubborn fat is also a problem for you.

Because the drain-free technique is a little more complex than a regular tummy tuck with drains, the procedure itself might take a little longer to complete. However, once you come home for recovery, you’ll be able to start reaping the benefits of the no-drain technique immediately.

One of the biggest perks is the fact that you won’t have a drain to worry about accidentally pulling or getting caught on something. Not having a drain also means that you won’t have to empty or record fluid collection, which is often a source of anxiety for many people. You’ll also be able to shower much sooner, whereas having a drain restricts you to staying dry until your drain comes out.

Drain-free tummy tucks also tend to make recovery go smoother and faster since you’ll be able to get up and move around more freely and comfortably, which can help to reduce swelling and accelerate the healing process.

Picking a Plastic Surgeon

If you’re interested in a drainless tummy tuck, you’re going to want to choose a plastic surgeon who has experience with this technique. During your consultation, ask about the abdominoplasty technique that they most commonly use, and be sure to explain that you’re interested in a drain-free option. This is also an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the details of the procedure, as well as make sure you’re a good candidate for no-drain abdominoplasty.

Aside from experience performing drain-free abdominoplasty, you also want to look for things like board certification with the American Board of Plastic Surgery, affiliations with accredited medical associations, before and after tummy tuck photos, online reviews and a clean, organized and welcoming office.


Say ‘Yes’ to a No-Drain Tummy Tuck
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Say ‘Yes’ to a No-Drain Tummy Tuck
Curious about the difference between a no-drain tummy tuck and a regular tummy tuck? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Mariotti of Walnut Creek explains.
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