Cosmetic Surgery

Preparing for Cosmetic Surgery

Laser Hair Removal

When preparing to undergo any major procedure, there are steps you must undertake to avoid complications, and it is no different when get ready to have cosmetic surgery done. While every operation has its own special accommodations that are needed, the basic precautionary steps remain the same for every surgery. Before scheduling an appointment for cosmetic surgery, it is important to consult the local surgeons to make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions that could lead to complications.

When talking to the surgeon who will be doing your cosmetic surgery it is very important to discuss any prior health issues and current medications that could interfere with the drugs used during the procedure. It may be in your best interest to bring a notepad to record your doctor’s directions or ask for a print up of the pre-surgery directions. If the office has the capabilities, you may also want to request a rough estimation of how you will look post procedure, which will help to ensure you get exactly what you want out of it. Procedures that require extensive medication may also have post-surgery side effects, so if that is a concern, you should ask about interactions and potential allergic reactions.

In the weeks following up to your cosmetic surgery procedure, it is also probably a good idea to ask your doctor what prescriptions may interact with anesthetics. Also if you are a smoker, it is probably a good idea to quit as the chemicals in cigarettes slow down the healing process and can cause harmful side effects that will degrade the quality of the operation. For surgeries that require general anesthesia, you are also not able to eat or drink 24 hours before the procedure.

While most people who look into cosmetic surgery are aware of the preparation requirements for before the operation, very few people properly allow enough time for recovery. In order to get good results from your surgical procedure it is important to follow the doctor’s recovery plan to prevent bad results and potential complications. During the recovery period it is important to avoid strenuous activity and to take special care of the treated area. For more invasive or extensive operations you may need to take medications to help reduce swelling and have a follow up appointment with the head surgeon.

Cosmetic surgery is a huge change to your life that can help boost your self-confidence and happiness with your body, but it is important to remember that it still is a surgery and that special care must be taken to prevent complications. Make sure to ask any questions you may have before the procedure and to stay in touch with your doctor after the surgery if anything comes up.

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