Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeovers & Kids: Your Questions Answered

Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

A mommy makeover is a great way to restore and rejuvenate your body after having children. It can include a tummy tuck, liposuction and breast augmentation, as well as other procedures.  Here are some questions women frequently have about how a mommy makeover can affect kids.

Do I Have to Wait until I’m Done Having Kids?

The most ideal candidate for a mommy makeover is one who has completed her family. However, the procedures commonly done as part of a mommy makeover won’t affect your ability to get pregnant again. Still, your results may be diminished and even reversed by any post-procedure pregnancies.

What Do I Tell My Kids about My Mommy Makeover?

   You may worry that you’re sending the wrong message about body image, or that your children will be scared you’re having surgery..

The best approach is to just keep discussions simple and age appropriate.  Older children and teens might not be satisfied with the condensed version, however. How much detail you give your kids is up to you, but a good idea is to make it clear that you are not attempting to look like someone else or change who you are.

Will I Be Able to Care for My Children Post-Op?

Make arrangements for some help during your recuperation. Recruit your spouse, a friend or family member to fill in for you. It could be a good opportunity to teach older kids to be more self-sufficient by having them do their own laundry and dishes, if they aren’t already doing those things.

As a mom you probably tend to put others before yourself, but it’s important to remember to take care of your own health, happiness and appearance. Your children will benefit from a happier and more confident you.


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October 19, 2016