Liposuction Tummy Tuck

Liposuction or Tummy Tuck: Which Is Best for You?


Liposuction is typically considered the ideal solution for slimming down the midsection. Yet, not everyone can get the results they hope for with liposuction in Beverly Hills. In some cases, your plastic surgeon may recommend getting a tummy tuck instead. What’s the difference, and how do you know which one is right for you?

Lipo Limitations

Liposuction is the gold standard of body sculpting. For patients who have isolated pockets of fat that they just can’t get rid of with old-fashioned diet and exercise, lipo is ideal for minimizing them. Although commonly (an incorrectly) thought of as a weight loss procedure, liposuction results are actually most successful on those patients who are already in good health and stay active, but just have a few target areas they want to fix up. Yet, despite its advantages, there are some changes that lipo just can’t accomplish.

Tummy Tucks

Like liposuction, tummy tucks are not a weight loss procedure, but are a great solution for slimming down the belly. With a tummy tuck, excess skin, fat and tissue are removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened to create a firmer framework again. Sometimes, liposuction is incorporated as part of a tummy tuck. However, lipo cannot remove loose skin, and won’t affect your underlying muscle structure; it can only remove fat cells.

Your Belly

The appearance of noticeable belly fat can be due either to weight gain has settling around your middle, or that skin and muscles have become permanently stretched and lax. While liposuction is perfect for the first problem, tummy tuck surgery is necessary for the second. Check with your surgeon to see which option is right for you.

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September 24, 2013
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September 24, 2013