
Liposuction Costs & Planning


Cost is a concern for most people planning to undergo elective surgery; thankfully, most people know not to choose the “cheapest” surgeon, but still want to avoid overpaying for surgery.

Liposuction prices vary widely, depending on factors including:

  • Surgeon’s experience, training, and certifications
  • Technique or approach to the procedure chosen (some high-tech laser and ultrasound options, for example, sometimes cost more)
  • Areas where liposuction will be performed (some areas require extra time and skill, while others are a bit more straightforward)
  • Surgical facility location, staffing, and safety certifications
  • Anesthesia method and anesthesiologist’s certification level

Because of these variances, depending on your surgeon and the scope of the corrections you want to see, you may have to pay anywhere between:

  • $1,500 and $5,000 for arm liposuction
  • $3,000 and $7,500 for breast liposuction
  • $1,500 and $4,000 for back liposuction
  • $1,500 and $4,500 for buttock liposuction
  • $1,500 and $4,500 for gynecomastia liposuction
  • $2,000 and $5,000 for outer thighs and knees
  • $2,000 and $5,000 for flanks
  • $2,000 and $5,000 for inner thighs and knees
  • $1,600 and $5,000 for hips/waist
  • $1,600 and $5,000 for outer thighs
  • $2,000 and $4,500 for chin, cheeks, jowls, neck

According to American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average liposuction cost on one area of the body is about $3,500; part of this price point probably results from the fact that most women and men who choose liposuction have more than one area where they want to see improvement. If your goals involve multiple areas, or you plan to remove a larger amount of fat and excess skin (for example, after significant weight loss), the cost of your liposuction procedure will increase.

And keep in mind, depending on the surgical center and different regulations, your doctor may not include certain costs in the initial estimate. Anesthesia, operating room fees, recovery garments, lab work, and follow-up appointments all might not be included in your initial estimate. Liposuction costs are also much higher in areas of the country where the cost of living is higher.

Some of the cost of surgery directly results from the quality of your surgeon. Some less-highly-trained surgeons do charge significant fees, but by and large a more experienced, better credentialed, and more highly trained surgeon is going to charge more than his or her less-experienced counterpart.

When choosing a doctor for liposuction, it is important to consider their experience, the attention they pay to your goals and the planning process, and your comfort level with them.

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October 3, 2013
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October 3, 2013