Breast Augmentation

Is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation Right for You?

woman wearing white dress in field

If you’ve been researching and considering breast augmentation, you may have come across the term “rapid recovery breast augmentation.” An experienced board-certified plastic surgeon may be able to carry out the procedure in a way which can have you back to your daily routine in just a few days, but is it right for you? There are a few factors involved in rapid recovery breast augmentation, including preparation and aftercare.

Accurate Measurement and Fitting

Whether you’re considering the procedure to counteract the effect aging has had on your breasts, following pregnancy, or for another reason, rapid recovery breast augmentation is achieved by ensuring that all measurements have been taken accurately, and that the implant chosen is suitable for the woman in question. Combined with expert surgical techniques, this attention to detail can minimize trauma and enable a quick return to your regular daily routine.

Rapid recovery breast augmentation helps women resume most tasks within just a few days.

Following Post-Operative Advice

If you want to achieve rapid recovery after breast augmentation, you will need to follow your plastic surgeon’s post-operative advice. This will include specific stretches and movements designed to aid recovery, such as arm raises to decrease swelling, and stretches targeting the muscles surrounding the implants. You should bear in mind that some level of discomfort will be inevitable, and anti-inflammatory painkillers should be used as directed. Even with rapid recovery, running, certain forms of exercise, particularly those focusing on the chest, and strenuous lifting must be avoided for several weeks to allow the body to heal.

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February 1, 2017
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February 1, 2017