For Men Male Breast Reduction

Is It Gynecomastia?

man with sweat drops

The perfectly chiseled pecs you see in ads are pretty hard to achieve, and the reality is that most men – even those who eat right and get plenty of exercise – will have a bit of fatty tissue on their chest. So does that mean that all men have some form of gynecomastia? Absolutely not. But if you feel self-conscious about the fat on your chest, you owe it to yourself to get a proper diagnosis and learn about your treatment options.

The Cause

Gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance that leads to enlargement of glandular tissues and fat cells in the chest. Most cases of gynecomastia occur during puberty as there is an excess of estrogen (female hormones) being produced, and resolve naturally. However, the condition can continue well after puberty and can even develop later in life. While there are some things such as drug use and obesity that can contribute to gynecomastia, in many cases of adult gynecomastia there is not an obvious cause.

Treating Gynecomastia

Men often try to self-treat their gynecomastia before talking with a doctor. Many men will think that if they just eat better or exercise more, the condition will go away. Even afer making such lifestyle changes, many men will continue to see a feminine chest appearance. This can be discouraging, and an unfortunate number of men will just give up and choose to live with their condition.

A better option is to talk with a plastic surgeon about surgical reduction of the excess fat and glandular tissue. A skilled gynecomastia surgeon will evaluate your individual case to rule out any common causes of gynecomastia and then recommend a simple surgery to excise (remove) the unwanted tissue.

Male breast reduction surgery reduces the size of male breasts. It can be performed in an outpatient surgical setting or hospital and generally takes only one to three hours. During the procedure, your surgeon removes the glandular tissue and, using liposuction, breaks up and suctions out the fat tissue in the breasts. In cases of very large or sagging breasts, the surgeon can also reposition the nipple.

Recovery takes around two weeks, but you will be able to carry out most of your regular activities within a week and physical activity/exercise anywhere from three weeks to a month following the treatment. It’s a small inconvenience for a long-term gain in self-image and self-confidence.

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August 19, 2014
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August 19, 2014