BOTOX® Cosmetic

Is BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport® Better to Treat Wrinkles?

Treat Wrinkles

Many people use products such as BOTOX® and Dysport® to diminish certain signs of aging. As we get older, fine lines and wrinkles begin to form, particularly in areas where we make repeated motions. For instance, we get “crow’s feet” around the eyes from squinting and smiling multiple times over the years. It’s the same with raising our eyebrows, which eventually creates those horizontal forehead lines. Wrinkles caused by repeated muscle movements are known as dynamic wrinkles.

People usually get BOTOX or Dysport between the ages of 18 and 65, and both men and women can benefit from these injectables. Along with a good skin care regimen and a healthy lifestyle, BOTOX or Dysport can be a very effective addition to your arsenal of wrinkle-fighting treatments.  

BOTOX or Dysport might be a good choice for you if:

  • You have dynamic wrinkles that make you look older than you’d like.
  • You feel that you may look upset or worried when you’re actually not.
  • You often look tired due to wrinkles around your eyes.
  • You’d like an overall refreshed look without looking “done.”
  • You have realistic expectations about what BOTOX or Dysport can do for you.
  • You are in good general health.

How BOTOX and Dysport Are Similar

Both BOTOX and Dysport work to minimize and prevent dynamic wrinkles by relaxing the muscles that cause them. Both are formulated using botulinum toxin, and each can produce effects that last for 3 to 4 months. When they are injected into a muscle area, these products block the nerve impulses that control the muscles. This temporarily reduces movement in the treated muscles, decreasing the severity of existing lines and even preventing new ones from forming as quickly.

An experienced plastic surgeon or medical spa professional can help you decide between BOTOX vs Dysport based on your concerns and goals.

How BOTOX and Dysport Differ

While they have more similarities than differences, there are a few things that set BOTOX and Dysport apart from one another. Because they are formulated slightly differently, one may be more ideal than the other depending on the situation. Dysport tends to diffuse more readily than BOTOX, causing it to spread out further from the treated area. This means that BOTOX is often used to treat very specific areas whereas Dysport might make sense when addressing a larger area.  

The Most Important Thing to Remember about BOTOX and Dysport

Whether you decide on BOTOX or Dysport, there’s a far more important choice you’ll need to make: who you choose as your injector. Always find an experienced and credentialed injector, preferably at a practice run by a board-certified plastic surgeon. Not just anyone can administer injectables with the skill and care necessary to produce a beautiful result. If you don’t go to a professional, you also risk getting a product that is diluted or inauthentic. Don’t trust your face to just anyone.

In the Battle of BOTOX vs Dysport, Sometimes Neither Wins

When you’re weighing your anti-aging options, botulinum toxin is not always the right answer. BOTOX and Dysport can’t be used to fill in deep wrinkles like laugh lines or help with loose skin, though these concerns can be addressed using other means. A board-certified plastic surgeon can help you understand the options that are available to help meet your personal goals, and to help you choose between BOTOX, Dysport or something else entirely.


Is BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport® Better to Treat Wrinkles?
Article Name
Is BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport® Better to Treat Wrinkles?
Which is better: BOTOX or Dysport? Minneapolis plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Harrington compares BOTOX vs. Dysport, including their benefits and limitations.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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