Mommy Makeover

How to Plan a Restful Mommy Makeover Recovery

Mommy Makeover

the changes that occur exceed what you envisioned. If you’re unhappy with certain aspects of your post-pregnancy body, a mommy makeover may be ideal for regaining your figure. If you do decide to go down that route, remember to factor in recovery time to your plans. Our mommy makeover recovery tips can help to make the process as smooth as possible.

Plan Sufficient Time Off

It can be a good idea to time your mommy makeover for just before a vacation period, such as the festive season, in order to give your body enough time to repair itself. One of the top mommy makeover tips we have to offer is ensuring you have enough downtime lined up after your procedures. Fall and winter are generally good times for mommy makeovers, as we tend to be less active. You should expect to have 2 to 3 weeks off work following your procedure, if at all possible.

Take It Easy

Following a mommy makeover, you should avoid strenuous activity for approximately 6 weeks, the first few of which you will need to stay home from work. Although you may feel fine, becoming too active too soon after a mommy makeover could lead to issues, meaning you should plan plenty of rest and relaxation well in advance.    Take the opportunity to sit back, relax and recuperate – when will you get the chance again? 

Another mommy makeover recovery tip is to line up some movies and books you’ve been meaning to catch up on. However, don’t forget to move around regularly, as this will aid recovery by encouraging circulation.

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November 17, 2016