After Weight Loss Body Contouring

How to Pick a Plastic Surgeon for Body Contouring after Weight Loss

Woman in workout gear doing a plank in her livingroom.

You have worked hard to lose excess weight and have finally made it to your goal weight. Unfortunately, years of being overweight may have taken its toll on your skin, leaving areas of sagging. In addition, you may still battle areas of stubborn fat that just won’t go away, despite eating healthy and exercising. In these cases, body contouring procedures, such as liposuction or a tummy tuck, can deliver that final goal you have been working toward.

But how do you choose a plastic surgeon for post-weight-loss plastic surgery and body contouring? These tips can give you the tools to find the surgeon that helps you achieve your goals.

Start with You and Understand What You Want

When it comes to looking for a body contouring plastic surgeon, the search begins with you. Knowing what you want to accomplish with body contouring and what the different procedures can achieve is essential. You need to know what areas of your body you want to change and what results you are looking for. Having pictures to show a potential surgeon can help you better explain your desired results.

Take time to understand each procedure so you have an idea of what to look for in a surgeon. For example, if you want to target stubborn fat around your tummy, will you need a tummy tuck, liposuction or both. Knowing what each procedure targets allows you to look for surgeons that specialize in those surgeries.

Ask for Recommendations and Read Reviews

The key to finding a post-weight-loss plastic surgeon is finding one you are comfortable with.

With the popularity of body contouring increasing, there is a good chance you know someone that has had a procedure. This is often an excellent place to start when it comes to finding the right surgeon for your post-weight-loss plastic surgery. While online reviews can be helpful, the opinion of friends and family often holds more weight. They may share additional information about a surgeon that you just won’t find online.

Another valuable resource when looking for a surgeon is your primary care physician. Oftentimes, they have worked with you on your weight loss journey and have a good understanding of your body goals, as well as any possible health concerns. In many cases, your primary care doctor can refer you to a surgeon they believe will be a good fit for you.

Look for Credentials, Experience and Continuing Education

When looking for a plastic surgeon, you want to find one that is board certified. However, that is just the beginning. Dig a little deeper and look at their experience and education. You can often find this information in their biography on their website. Surgeons that keep up on their education often have experience with the most recent surgical advancements that can help you achieve your desired outcome.

Look for a surgeon that regularly performs the procedure you are considering. While many plastic surgeons perform a variety of procedures, find one that performs your desired procedure on a regular basis. For example, while surgeon A and surgeon B both perform tummy tucks, Surgeon A performs multiple procedures a month vs. Surgeon B that performs 10 a year. Chances are Surgeon A will have an easier time helping you achieve your desired results.

Use the Consultation to Your Advantage

Once you decide on a surgeon, your journey isn’t over. You will have an initial consultation, and this is your time to decide how you feel about the surgeon. Having a consultation with a surgeon does not mean they must perform your body contouring procedure. Use your consultation to ask the surgeon some questions and see how they respond. Do they listen and take your concerns into consideration? Do you feel comfortable talking with the surgeon and feel they’re working with you to help you achieve your goals? Ask to see before and after photos so you know what you can expect with your procedure.

Follow your intuition when deciding on your surgeon. If something doesn’t feel right during your consultation, continue with your search until you find a surgeon that works for you.

How to Pick a Plastic Surgeon for Body Contouring after Weight Loss
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How to Pick a Plastic Surgeon for Body Contouring after Weight Loss
Dr. Drew Davis of Folsom, California offers tips for picking a plastic surgeon for your post weight loss plastic surgery and body contouring procedures.
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