Cosmetic Surgery

How to Pick a Med Spa Treatment for Every Worry

A man and woman embracing.

Do the signs of aging have you frustrated? Whether it’s cellulite, wrinkles, skin damage or even thinning hair, the good news is you have options to address your woes. These days, med spa treatments exist for just about every part of your body and, in many cases, one simple treatment is all you need to get the results you are looking for.

Treating Facial Concerns and Signs of Aging

As you age, collagen production slows down, leading to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Various medical spa treatments address this issue and help stimulate collagen production, fill in areas of lost volume, and help restore a youthful, soft skin surface. Damage from the sun and facial scarring can also contribute to facial issues. Here are some of the top med spa treatment options for facial concerns.

  • BOTOX® — BOTOX is an injectable treatment that targets dynamic wrinkles, or those wrinkles that appear when you move your face. Wrinkles such as crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead furrows see the best results. BOTOX is an injection placed into the facial muscles that contribute to these wrinkles. The injection relaxes the muscles, thus reducing the wrinkles. BOTOX treatments typically provide results for up to 4 to 6 months.
  • Dermal fillers — As you age, your face loses subcutaneous fat. While fat loss is often something to celebrate, this fat loss draws your skin inward, closer to the muscles, and can make fine lines and wrinkles more apparent. Dermal fillers injected just under the surface of the skin fill in these areas, giving a more full and youthful appearance. They can also help to stimulate collagen production. Dermal fillers work great to fill wrinkles, plump thinning lips and fill in shallow facial contours.
  • CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing — Unlike traditional laser resurfacing, CO2 Fractional laser techniques treat small areas of damage and signs of aging while leaving surrounding sections untouched. This aids in the healing process, reducing downtime. This treatment option reduces wrinkles, stimulates collagen production, reduces pore size, as well as reduce the appearance of acne scars or facial discoloration.
  • Fractora — Fractora is a nonsurgical treatment that uses bipolar radiofrequency delivered through pin electrodes, causing ablation, coagulation and heating. This heating of the skin promotes collagen production. Fractora can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, tighten the skin, reduce brown spots and improve skin texture. It’s possible to see improvements immediately after treatment, but full results can take a couple weeks. In addition to treating signs of aging, Fractora is a very effective treatment for reducing acne scarring as much as 50%.
  • Lumecca IPL Skin Rejuvenation — Lumecca is a safe and painless treatment that uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to target problem areas. It treats sun damage, redness, rosacea, dark spots, light acne scars, vascular lesions and other pigment irregularities.

Don’t Forget the Hair

When it comes to hair, you either have too much or too little. Medical spa treatments address this issue in the form of hair removal and growth stimulation.

  • Diolaze XL Laser Hair Removal — Say goodbye to your razor and hello to smooth, soft, hair-free skin. Diolaze is a high-powered laser hair removal treatment that targets hair follicles while staying gentle on your skin. To see optimal results and full hair removal, you will need on average 4 to 6 sessions.
  • PRP Hair therapy — This therapy stimulates hair growth in areas where you may experience thinning or balding. This procedure requires your own blood. Once drawn, your blood goes into a centrifuge and is spun down to separate the platelet-rich plasma. The physician then injects the plasma into the areas of hair thinning or loss. This encourages new growth, helps maintain healthy growth, and promotes thicker hair.

Don’t Leave the Body Out!

Last but not least, you can’t forget about the body. The best medical spa treatments for the body address concerns such as cellulite, loose skin and excess sweating.

  • VelaShape®Velashape treatments use a combination of vacuum treatments and massage rollers to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is a painless procedure that feels like a relaxing massage and takes about 30 minutes. Multiple treatments are often necessary to achieve the desired results.
  • Forma Skin Tightening — Forma skin tightening uses bipolar radiofrequency to target wrinkles and sagging skin. This helps improve skin elasticity and increased tightness, resulting in younger looking skin. This procedure can be used on the body, such as the stomach or arms, as well as the face.
  • BOTOX for Sweating — Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition. BOTOX is FDA-approved to treat this condition. The injections block nerve signals responsible for sweat production.

No matter what area of your appearance troubles you, medical spa treatments offer safe and painless treatment options. Keep in mind, many treatments can address multiple concerns, so one treatment option may be all you need.


How to Pick a Med Spa Treatment for Every Worry
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How to Pick a Med Spa Treatment for Every Worry
Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki explains the best medical spa treatments are available to treat the most common signs of aging.
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