
How to Help Your Body Heal after Liposuction

after Liposuction

As you prepare for liposuction, you’ll probably have a few questions about what to expect after your procedure and how you can help your body heal. While following your plastic surgeon’s specific guidelines will be the best way to ensure that your recovery process stays on track, familiarizing yourself with these liposuction recovery tips can help you to prepare for the days and weeks after your procedure.

  1. Take It Easy, but Don’t Sit Still

    It is important to take some time off work and other regular activities to give your body a chance to rest and recover after liposuction. However, it’s equally important toget up and move around every once in a while to promote healing and reduce the risk of blood clots.

    This shouldn’t be anything strenuous—it could be as simple as getting up and walking around your house. As you continue to heal and recover, you can talk to your plastic surgeon about gradually increasing the amount and intensity of activity.

  2. Don’t Smoke

    This probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard this tip, but it’s important enough to reiterate. Smoking can lead to all sorts of complications after any type of surgery, including cosmetic procedures. Plus, nicotine can significantly decrease your body’s ability to heal.

  3. Eat Right

    Even though you just had a body contouring treatment, your liposuction recovery isn’t the time for dieting and cutting back calories. But it’s also not the time to veg out with junk foods like potato chips and soda. Instead, fuel your body with nutritious foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains for optimal healing.

    If you have some time to grocery shop and prepare a big batch or two of healthy meals that you can toss in the freezer before your liposuction date, eating nutritiously during recovery can be much simpler.

    Don’t forget to stay hydrated while your body recovers.

  4. Wear Your Compression Garment

    After liposuction, your plastic surgeon will send you home with a special compression garment to wear to help with swelling. You should also get specific instructions for when and how long to wear it. Try to follow any guidelines for wearing your compression garment as closely as possible to optimize your liposuction recovery and therefore also your results.

  5. No Swimming

    As tempting as it might be to take a dip in the pool or even soak in a long bath, you really need to avoid submerging your body in water until you get the okay from your plastic surgeon. Soaking the area around your incisions can up your risk of infection and increase your body’s healing time.

  6. Don’t Miss Follow-up Appointments

    A qualified plastic surgeon should ask you to schedule follow-up appointments at certain time points during your recovery. Make sure you keep your follow-up appointments so you and your doctor can catch any potential complications before they become a larger problem. This also gives you a chance to bring up any concerns you might have or ask questions that have come up during the first portion of your liposuction recovery.

  7. Lymphatic Massage

    Lymphatic massage techniques may help to speed up recovery, reduce swelling and discomfort and minimize scarring. However, before you start any massages, check with your plastic surgeon first to make sure you are using the proper technique.

How to Help Your Body Heal after Liposuction
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How to Help Your Body Heal after Liposuction
Looking for some liposuction recovery tips? Nashville board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alexander Nein shares a few top tips to promote healing after liposuction.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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