Laser Skin Rejuvenation

How to Fight Wrinkles & Smooth Your Skin at Every Age

Three generations of women working at in a office setting.

As you get older, things like sun damage, acne and general aging can leave your skin with scars, blotches, fine lines and wrinkles. While many over-the-counter remedies can help to some extent, often times they are not enough. If your goal is to keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant with an even texture, laser resurfacing is one option that offers treatment for any age. Let’s take a closer look.

What Causes Changes to Your Skin?

Your skin is constantly changing as you age. In your 20s, you may not yet notice wrinkles, but maybe acne scars are keeping your skin from looking smooth. Through the years, sun exposure can contribute to wrinkles and discoloration and is one of the main causes of early wrinkles. The UV light breaks down the skin’s connective tissue, causing the skin to lose strength and flexibility. General aging and changes in hormone levels affect the production of natural oils and collagen, resulting in sagging skin and lines and wrinkles.

What is Laser Resurfacing?

Laser resurfacing is a procedure that utilizes a laser to remove layers of skin and promote collagen production. Laser resurfacing treats acne scars, age spots, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, sagging skin, scars, sun-damaged skin and wrinkles. There are two different types of lasers: Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Erbium.

Minimizing the Signs of Aging

Many people don’t think about treating the signs of aging until they become noticeable, but there are things you can do starting in your 20s to help reduce the signs of aging, as well as treatments that will help keep your skin looking youthful and smooth.

To start, minimize your sun exposure or take care to use sunscreen that blocks the harmful UV rays. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of fluids can also help promote healthy, younger-looking skin.

If you have acne scars or minimal fine lines, this may be the time to start laser resurfacing treatments to take control of your skin texture and appearance. Skin rejuvenation treatments, such as eMatrix RF Skin Rejuvenation, addresses acne scars and skin texture issues and can even help tighten skin for a more youthful look.

What to Expect With Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing, whether CO2 or Erbium, is an outpatient procedure. Local anesthetic is used to numb the treatment area. The time of your laser treatment depends on what is being treated, as well as how much are of the face is receiving treatment.

Downtime and Recovery

Unlike other anti-aging and wrinkle treatment procedures, CO2RE fractional laser resurfacing requires very little downtime. After the procedure the treated areas may be bandaged. You should receive post-treatment care instructions which go over how to clean your face and any medications that may be prescribed topically. Cold compresses can help relieve swelling.

Treated areas may peel or flake but avoid picking as this can cause infection or scarring. Typical downtime for most men and women is between 3 to 5 days. During this time, it is essential to follow all post-treatment instructions and avoid sun exposure. Treated skin is more sensitive to UV rays and can burn easily.

Laser resurfacing offers many different treatment options that help keep your skin looking its best. And you don’t have to wait until wrinkles appear. Begin treating early signs of aging to help keep the wrinkles at bay.


How to Fight Wrinkles & Smooth Your Skin at Every Age
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How to Fight Wrinkles & Smooth Your Skin at Every Age
If you are seeing the early signs of aging, laser resurfacing offers a great non-surgical treatment option for reduced wrinkle appearance and a youthful appearance.
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