Breast Augmentation

How Soon Can You Go Swimming after Breast Augmentation?


As the summer months approach, it’s no wonder that one of the most common questions women have after breast augmentation is, “How soon can I go swimming?” You’ll undoubtedly be eager to don that bikini that complements your new curves, but follow these rules when it comes to swimming after getting breast implants.

Swimming Counts as Strenuous Activity

If you want to lounge with friends by the pool, that’s one thing. Trying to beat your personal best at the breaststroke is another. One of the most important of all post-op instructions is to avoid strenuous activity, and yes, swimming does count. The muscles and tissues in your chest area will need time to recover, and swimming is exactly the kind of activity that can compromise proper healing.

Be Mindful of Your Incisions

The last thing you want to do is increase your risk for infection at your incision sites, and swimming too soon after surgery can do just that. Incisions should be fully healed before you sit immersed in any body of water, including pools, oceans, jacuzzis or bathtubs. If you’re hanging out at the pool and want to take a dip up to your waist, that should be fine. Just keep those incisions away from the water.

Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

As with any cosmetic procedure, the most important thing to focus on after surgery is strictly following your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions. They will probably give you the go-ahead to return to the water around 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, but that timeline can vary from person to person. So, pay attention and follow doctor’s orders to get the best results from your breast augmentation.

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