
How Liposuction Delivers the Finishing Touch


People who have long struggled with their size can feel like the battle to lose weight is a never-ending journey. Men and women with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher face a much greater risk for weight-related health problems and their self-image may suffer. Surgery can be a wonderful solution for adults who haven’t been successful shedding pounds through other methods. Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, limits the amount of food the digestive system can hold and reduces the amount of calories the body absorbs. The results are truly transformational, with some people losing almost all of their excess weight.

Zap Lingering Fat

Despite the vast improvement in quality of life, mental health and overall wellbeing, the weight loss journey doesn’t end there. No matter how many healthy habits a person adopts or how many steps are tracked on the Fitbit, some still struggle to rid themselves of stubborn pockets of fat. Thanks to genetics, those fatty areas won’t budge despite even the most Herculean efforts. That’s where liposuction comes in. This body contouring procedure can help to fine-tune your figure for a svelte, leaner look.

Liposuction Can Complement Weight Loss

Some fat is naturally resistant to diet and exercise. Although this adaptation may have given our cave-dwelling ancestors an advantage in times of food scarcity, we no longer face such primitive problems. One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide, liposuction can safely remove fat from almost anywhere on the body. Post-weight loss liposuction can help to balance the body’s proportions and refine the contours on some of the more troublesome spots. For an optimal outcome, find an experienced board certified plastic surgeon to put the finishing touch on your weight loss results.

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December 16, 2015
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December 16, 2015