
How Liposuction Banishes Your “Banana Rolls”

Woman's stomach

Although primarily thought of as a solution for a “muffin top” or love handles, liposuction can be effective in smoothing and contouring less common treatment areas too. Take the “banana rolls,” for example. This funny name refers to a banana-shaped, isolated fat pocket that can develop at the very top of the back thigh area, just below your buttocks, and lipo can be a great solution for smoothing them away.

Lipo for Banana Rolls?

Eating healthfully and getting plenty of exercise are always good things. The problem is that the fat doesn’t always come off from exactly the places you hope for. This can mean feeling frustrated with isolated problem spots—and banana rolls are an excellent case in point.

With liposuction, your surgeon may be able to effectively remove the fat from the backs of your thighs to improve the contours. There are a few tricks to try before having liposuction, such as staying active and eating right, but banana rolls can often be improved with lipo if these other efforts aren’t successful. As with any cosmetic procedure, though, the best results are seen in the right candidates.

Trust Your Surgeon’s Opinion

It’s always important to remember that surgical skill is essential for seeing the best results from liposuction or any cosmetic procedure. Overly aggressive liposuction in the back upper thighs could compromise necessary support for your buttocks above, which could then lead to sagging. Additionally, special care must be taken to prevent any asymmetry between sides. If you think that lipo might be the answer for your banana rolls, schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in body contouring for an optimal outcome.

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August 31, 2014
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August 31, 2014