Arm Lift

How Is an Arm Lift Performed?

Plastic Surgery

I perform many arm lifts at my Beverly Hills practice, particularly for patients who have recently lost a lot of weight. This straightforward procedure carries a very high postoperative satisfaction rating among patients.

To begin the arm lift procedure, the first step is an assessment. Some patients may be able to resolve their appearance concerns with a different procedure, such as liposuction. After the determination is made that an arm lift from my Beverly Hills clinic is the best treatment option, an appointment is scheduled and all the data about what to expect is gone over with the patient in great detail.

During the surgery itself, an incision is made which runs from near the elbow up to the armpit. Depending on the amount of correction required, the incision may need to be continued over to the chest wall. The incision may be placed slightly differently in order to reduce visibility, either so the scar will not be seen with the arm in repose, or so the scar will be hidden from a frontal view.

After the incision is made, excess tissue will be removed either surgically, through the aid or liposuction, or a combination of both techniques. The muscles will be tightened, and the skin will be redraped over the newly structured framework. Excess skin will be removed, and the incision will be sutured.

Over time, the scar from the incision will fade to become barely noticeable. The results of an arm lift are permanent, and can make a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the upper body.

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September 15, 2012
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September 15, 2012