Breast Augmentation

How Can You Get More Cleavage from Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation

While the current trend in breast augmentation favors a subtle, natural look, many women still want to increase their cleavage while maintaining a natural appearance. So the question becomes, how can your cosmetic surgeon achieve this balance of fuller cleavage without looking fake? To do this, both you and your cosmetic surgeon need to consider these three factors.

Implant Profile

Many women get hung up on choosing an implant size, but when it comes to getting the cleavage you want, there’s more to your decision than just that. The profile you choose—high, moderate or low—will also influence the final shape and appearance of your finished results.

Higher profiles will generally provide more upper pole fullness, which translates to more cleavage. However, you can still achieve a subtle boost of cleavage with moderate profiles, so be sure to discuss your specific goals during your breast augmentation consultation to help you make a decision.

Implant Placement

Your cosmetic surgeon can custom-tailor the placement of your implants to meet your unique goals.

If you would like medial cleavage, meaning that your breasts appear to be closer together at the midline, your cosmetic surgeon can strategically place your implants to achieve this look. The placement might be different, however, to achieve more fullness towards the top of your breasts.

Your Natural Anatomy

The natural size and shape of your body will also play a large role in how much cleavage you will be able to achieve through breast augmentation. Women with a naturally petite frame and smaller breasts may do best with a subtler increase of volume, for instance.

Work with your cosmetic surgeon to design a surgical plan that will enhance and highlight your natural features for a balanced final result.

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June 12, 2017
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June 12, 2017