Breast Enhancement

How Aging Can Affect Your Breasts

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While age might be most commonly associated with grey hair and wrinkles, your breasts can show signs of aging right along with the rest of your body. Here are a few ways that age can impact your breasts, as well as some ways to keep your figure looking youthful for longer.

Breast Drooping (Ptosis)

No, it’s not just gravity: as women age, a natural decline in the reproductive hormone estrogen contributes to a loss in skin elasticity. As the breast tissue contains no supporting muscles of its own, this loss of skin recoil can leave breasts sagging. For women who want to regain their former perkiness, a breast lift can raise and reshape the breasts for a younger-looking and shapelier profile.

Loss of Volume

As women approach menopause, they lose subcutaneous fat throughout their body. This may especially affect the breasts, which are comprised primarily of fatty tissue. In fact, many women find that they lose at least one cup size after menopause. Women who are struggling with a deflating figure may consider breast augmentation using saline or silicone implants to restore lost volume and recreate a curvier contour.

Nipple Displacement

All these changes in the breast tissue do not exclude the nipples and areolas. As the breasts age, the nipples may migrate from their central position, sometimes beginning to point downward or to the sides instead of straight ahead. Areolas may also stretch or shrink in size. A breast lift can correct and balance these finer points of overall breast aesthetics.

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November 11, 2014
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November 11, 2014