Tummy Tuck

How a Tummy Tuck Can Improve Your Appearance and Self-Confidence

Tummy Tuck

The shape of your body makes a statement about you to the world. Although we would all like to be known for our accomplishments, our physical appearance makes an important first impression. Many people are particularly self-conscious about the appearance of their stomach and overall shape. A tummy tuck can be an important way to give you that perfect beach body you may have trouble achieving on your own.

The Role of Diet and Exercise

Ask any doctor and he or she will tell you that diet and exercise are the first essential steps to getting in shape. While you should follow a low-calorie, nutritious diet and get regular exercise, you may be disappointed if this does not achieve the results you desire. Proper diet and exercise certainly improve your health and help you to feel better, but there are some cosmetic changes they cannot achieve.

Getting Help from a Surgeon

Diet and exercise are necessary to first take off your excess weight, especially if you are more than 50 to 100 pounds overweight. However, once you achieve this weight loss, you may be left with unsightly excess skin. This excess skin can make you look bigger than you really are and may be discouraging after how hard you’ve worked to lose weight. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, may also be combined with liposuction. The overall goal is to remove excess fat and skin and give your tummy a toned, firm appearance.

Read More: What to Know about Tummy Tucks

Who Are the Best Candidates?

Anyone who is healthy and whose family physician clears them for surgery can be a great candidate for a tummy tuck. However, if you are trying to lose weight, it is generally best to wait to have this procedure until you have lost most of the desired weight.

Patients often wish to have a tummy tuck after losing a very large amount of weight, typically through the use of bariatric surgery. After bariatric surgery, most patients want to leave the past behind and embrace a thinner, healthier future. However, rapid weight loss of more than 100 pounds, which is typical after bariatric surgery, leaves behind up to 10 kg of excess skin. Most bariatric surgery patients are unhappy with the excess skin and feel less pleased with the results of the surgery than they initially expected. A tummy tuck completes the process and provides the originally desired results.

After pregnancy, many women are unhappy with their bodies. A tummy tuck is a key part of what’s called a “Mummy Makeover.” A Mummy Makeover surgically improves many of the body parts that are altered by pregnancy, childbirth and nursing. In addition to a tummy tuck, many women also have liposuction, a breast lift, and may have a breast augmentation as well.

Recovery from a Tummy Tuck

Most people only need to take a week off from work to recover from a tummy tuck. However, it can take up to six weeks to be able to fully resume all activities including heavy lifting and more strenuous workouts. The results from a tummy tuck will make it well worth the investment. You can feel self-confident and great about your body again.

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