Plastic Surgery

Essential Nutrition Recovery Tips for Plastic Surgery

woman eating outdoors

By eating the right foods, you’re ensuring you get the right nutrition and are generally making sure you’re looking after yourself for a speedy recovery after plastic surgery. To enhance post-surgery healing, you should definitely keep track of what you consume.

Drink Lots of Water

“Water is essential for day to day health, and it becomes even more important when it comes to aiding your recovery. This is specifically the case while you’re on pain medication since H2O minimizes the likelihood of adverse effects (such as constipation) while also lowering the chance of infection,” shares Charlotte Marie, a business writer at OX Essays and State of writing.

Eat Enough Fruit and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, are important in any diet. In this case, these vegetables are ideal for reducing swelling faster. If you eat red onions, broccoli, pineapples, and apples, as well as capers, these foods will provide you with the vitamins to give your body what it needs to repair and fight potential and possible infections.

Spinach is another great food to consider since this nutritious green leafy vegetable is high in vitamins E, C, and beta-carotene, making it one of the most significant foods for reducing inflammation.

Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You’ve already heard about why it’s so important to eat fish and ensure you’re eating enough omega-3, and the benefits are amplified when you’re recovering from plastic surgery.

“You’ll want to be looking into rich foods like salmon, halibut, and mackerel, as well as fish oil, flax and flaxseed oil, hemp seed and hemp seed oil, and walnuts and walnut oil, to reduce and regulate inflammation,” explains Sam Harris, a project manager at UK Writings and Academized.

Up Your Eggs

The amino acids found in egg yolks have been shown to help with inflammation, discomfort, and healing. Eggs are high in antioxidants, which have been shown to help with recovery and minimize oedema.

The Lowdown of Quick-Fire Tips

While these are all things you’re going to want to introduce to your diet over time and will think about adding to your meals, here are some quick-fire tips to think about and remember that you can start applying right away.

  • Every day, drink at least 64 ounces of water
  • At every meal and snack, consume tiny amounts of low-fat protein
  • Determine how much protein you need each day and eat only that much
  • Increase the amount of non-saturated fat in each meal
  • Thirty minutes before each meal, drink 8 ounces of water
  • Ensure the majority of your carbohydrates come from fruits and vegetables and that grains, bread, and pasta are only used as condiments.
  • Never go longer than five hours without eating or snacking.
  • Eat five times a day, three times for meals and two times for snacks.
  • Eat breakfast every day, and do it within one hour after waking up.
  • Before going to bed, always eat a light snack.
  • Always eat a light snack half an hour before working out.
  • Eat only as much protein as will fit in the palm of your hand.
  • At each meal, eat twice as many beneficial carbs as you do protein.


As you can see, there’s plenty of action you can take and plenty of things you can do when it comes to looking after your body while making sure you get the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need to boost your recovery and ensure the most successful, problem-free healing you possibly can. Be smart, look after yourself, and you’ll be right as rain in no time at all!

Essential Nutrition Recovery Tips for Plastic Surgery
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Essential Nutrition Recovery Tips for Plastic Surgery
By eating the right foods, you’re ensuring you get the right nutrition and are generally making sure you’re looking after yourself for a speedy recovery after plastic surgery.
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