Breast Augmentation Cosmetic Surgeon Liposuction

Do You Really Need More Cosmetic Surgery Procedures?

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Combining two or more cosmetic surgery procedures is very common. It offers the benefit of a single surgery that addresses several cosmetic goals. But how can you tell when having multiple procedures is the way to go?

Complementary Choices

Some surgeries seem like they’re just made to go together. For instance, a woman with breasts that appear droopy and deflated after pregnancy may want to combine breast augmentation and a breast lift. Implants add volume, while a lift reshapes and raises the breasts. The end result is a high, full, youthful figure that neither procedure could deliver on its own.

Similarly, lipo can enhance the results of a tummy tuck, adding a little extra finesse for very natural abdominal contours. BOTOX® injections smooth away dynamic wrinkles, while dermal fillers minimize lines caused by loss of volume. The list could go on, but one thing is clear: combining options can very often offer the best results.

This doesn’t mean that every patient is emotionally prepared for more than one procedure, though. The best cosmetic surgeons take the time to explain why a combination approach may be beneficial, including the pros and cons of such a strategy. Ultimately, it’s the patient’s choice to decide which procedures are most important and which approach to take.

Choose a skilled, experienced cosmetic surgeon who can talk with you about your goals, carefully examine your existing anatomy, and provide a professional recommendation about which cosmetic procedures can help you the most. Remember, it’s your body, and you have every right to make the final choices about your aesthetic goals and how to reach them.

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February 14, 2014
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February 14, 2014