After Weight Loss Body Contouring Breast Augmentation

Cosmetic Surgery: The Gift You Give Yourself after Weight Loss

post weight loss

The journey from obesity back toward optimum health is challenging on every possible level: physically, emotionally and socially. Understandably, it’s then incredibly disheartening to discover that, even after reaching your target weight, your body shape isn’t what you hoped it would be. Cosmetic surgery helps better define your new body contours after weight loss as a finishing touch after all your hard work.

The Physical Effects of Weight Loss

Obesity causes or contributes to a wide range of physical health concerns, often impacting emotional wellbeing as well. Although losing weight can have a very positive effect on overall health, it’s not an easy or entirely controllable process. For example, many men and women assume that doing tons of crunches will target the midsection and help flatten their tummies. In reality, there’s really no guarantee where the weight will be lost precisely, regardless of your specific exercise routine.

After you’ve reached a target weight and have maintained it steadily for several months, you’ll have a better idea of your new shape. This is a great time to think about the ways in which you may consider further fine-tuning your figure:

  • Body contouring after weight loss using liposuction can target any remaining isolated problem spots.
  • A tummy tuck, thigh lift and/or body lift remove excess skin and tissue to restore smoother lines throughout the lower body, while an arm lift slims the upper arm area.
  • For women, weight loss often results in saggy or deflated breasts, which can be addressed through breast augmentation, often in combination with a breast lift.

Significant weight loss is about far more than just shedding excess pounds, and cosmetic procedures give you the chance to really celebrate the new figure you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

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February 7, 2014
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February 7, 2014