
Can Facial Exercises Work as Well as a Facelift?


FaceliftWouldn’t it be nice if, like your body’s physical fitness, you could manipulate facial aging by sticking to a regular facial exercise routine? While some preliminary research has been done on the matter, unfortunately, it doesn’t look like these types of exercises are a miracle cure for the natural aging process, and here’s why.

Repeated Movements Can Contribute to Wrinkles

While the concept behind facial exercises might sound promising at first, in actuality, these exercises may end up having the very opposite effect. When you repeat any facial movement, whether that’s through making an expression or a deliberate exercise, permanent lines and wrinkles in your skin can form. So although face exercises may strengthen your underlying muscle tissue, they could actually contribute to unwanted wrinkles at the same time.

Muscle Strength Doesn’t Account for Sagging Skin

Speaking of muscle strength, no matter how developed a particular muscle group is, no amount of exercise can address sagging or loose skin. Men and women who may be considering a facelift procedure are often concerned with excess skin and facial wrinkles that simply won’t respond to lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

Anti-Aging Procedures That Work

While exercise in general can be great for your body inside and out, the bad news is that there’s currently no evidence to suggest that facial exercises can help you combat the signs of aging. But the good news is that facelift procedures can provide excellent results when it comes to restoring a younger-looking and rejuvenated appearance.

If you’re considering a surgical procedure, scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options can be a great first step to help you get the most out of your facelift.

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August 26, 2016