Body Contouring

Can CoolSculpting® Actually Freeze Off Your Muffin Top?

Young beautiful womanIf you’re one of the many people who have an extra layer of flab around the midsection, you know a muffin top is a cute name for a frustrating situation. There’s nothing fun about extra fat that can balloon out above the waistline of pants.

If you’ve tried to diet and exercise this band of fat away with no success, you may be resigned to the fact that you’ll always pack a little pudge there. However, CoolSculpting® may be the perfect solution for you. This innovative, nonsurgical method gently removes fat by using a cooling technology.

Harvard Scientists to the Rescue

A number of years ago, researchers at Harvard University discovered that some children who ate popsicles developed dimples in their cheeks. This led them to determine that the popsicles were actually getting rid of fat cells. The observation that cold temperatures can freeze and eliminate fat without harming surround tissue resulted in the science of Cryolipolysis®, the foundation for CoolSculpting®.

Zap Away Fat without Surgery

CoolSculpting® delivers controlled cooling to the areas where you have stubborn pockets of fat that won’t budge. Whether it’s your muffin top or another part of the body, CoolSculpting® can safely and effectively target unwanted fat in problem areas to deliver smoother, sleeker contours.

With precision and finesse, a specialized CoolSculpting® applicator directs cooling energy to fat cells while preserving the tissue nearby. The treated fat cells crystallize and die, and over time are naturally processed by the body.

Nonsurgical Body Contouring at Its Best

People close to or at their ideal weight experience optimal results from CoolSculpting®. Several problem areas can be addressed during the same treatment session, which lasts about an hour. Although some people are able to achieve their goals with just one treatment, multiple CoolSculpting® sessions may offer maximum benefits.

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July 22, 2016
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July 22, 2016