Breast Augmentation Breast Implants

Breast Implants: What to Expect Before & After

Breast Implants

Beauty trends come and go, but the desire for beautiful breasts is timeless. If you’re considering breast implants to add feminine curves to your silhouette, you’re probably curious about the process. From the breast augmentation consultation to your recovery, there are a few things to know about each stage.

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

   Your breast augmentation consultation is the starting point from which you begin your journey to beautiful results. 

There’s no cookie cutter approach to breast augmentation. Each procedure is custom-tailored to match your unique anatomy and aesthetic preferences. During your consultation, you can share photos of how you’d like your breast augmentation results to look.

Your consultation offers you the chance to learn more about your breast implant options and is an opportunity for your plastic surgeon to evaluate your dimensions and guide you in selecting the right breast implants to best help you realize your appearance goals.

After Your Breast Enhancement Procedure

Immediately following your breast augmentation procedure, your breasts will be wrapped in protective dressing and you’ll wear a supportive garment, similar to a sports bra. Your plastic surgeon will give you detailed aftercare instructions to help during your recovery.

Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

Some swelling and discomfort is to be expected in the first several days after your breast augmentation. Your plastic surgeon may recommend pain medication to help support your comfort. Many women return to work within a week following their breast augmentation, although this depends on how physically demanding your job is.

You’ll likely be given the green light to resume all regular activities, including strenuous exercise, around 6 weeks after your breast augmentation. As your breast implants drop and fluff into place, you can look forward to enjoying your final results within 3 to 4 months.

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November 2, 2016
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November 2, 2016