Mommy Makeover

A Guide for Moms: Bouncing Back After Childbirth

Guide for Moms

Throughout the slow nine months of awaiting your newborn, a mix of emotions constantly run through your head– stress, excitement, anxiety, love, and so much more. The day your baby arrives, endless amounts of joy overwhelm your body and a new journey lies ahead of you.

But, what actually happens after you get home from the hospital? Your life changes.

You may not look as you used to and that can affect your happiness. The crazy, late night hours may have a huge impact on your daytime mood. There’s minimal time to take care of yourself and that definitely can take a huge toll on your health and well-being.

For all you new moms or moms-to-be, below are some amazing tips to help you put your needs first. Being a mom is never easy, but it’s time to focus on you, your beauty, and your health.

Finding Time to Relax at Home

After giving birth, the most important thing to do is relax. There are so many things you need to do for your newborn, that it’s nearly impossible to do anything for yourself. If you find that your days are endless with mommy-duties and little to no sleep, simply ask your partner for help or hire a night nurse.

Having a helping hand around the house allows you the time to take care of yourself and have the opportunity to rest. Below are some great ways to receive your ultimate R&R time while also taking care of your body and overall health.


At-home mediation through yoga or finding a quiet space in which to relax can clear your mind, reduce stress, build strength, and reduce any symptoms of postpartum depression. It’s important to take it slow when you first begin yoga and to truly find your balance through every movement.

Some beneficial poses to consider include:

  • Legs up the wall
  • Child’s pose
  • Mountain pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Standing forward bend

Ask for a Massage

If you need to release tension, reduce stress, or recover your body, ask for a massage from your partner or go out and seek one from a local professional. In some areas, there also may be available massage therapists who can come to you. This allows you to stay peaceful in your own home while still being close to your baby.


Subtle exercises are a great way to stretch out and rebuild your muscles. However, it’s crucial to make sure you don’t jump right into an exercise routine if you’re not ready. Listen to your body and allow it to recover before jumping into intense workouts.

Using light weights at home is a quick and easy way to gain back any lost muscles and boost your energy. Resistance bands can help you focus on your balance and tone your body. A good workout can even help you achieve a better night’s sleep. Consider a brisk walk, swimming laps, or a yoga class for a moderate workout before delving into something more demanding.

Revitalize Your Appearance

Staying home to relax is convenient and allows you to be close to your little one. Although taking it easy at home has its perks, getting out to receive a professional treatment can drastically enhance your appearance and boost your confidence.

Women love to take care of their looks and no matter how many people say “you don’t need it,” generally we’ll all still get “it.” Whichever treatment you may desire post-baby, you shouldn’t let anyone tell you if you should or shouldn’t do because it’s truly about what makes you happy.

Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is typically a combination of different cosmetic surgeries that allow you to improve your physical appearance. Your body changes after having a baby and it may be difficult to get some areas back to how they used to be.

New moms love a mommy makeover because you get the opportunity to choose whichever combination of procedures you want to be done in just one day.

Some of the most popular treatments include:

  • Breast lift/ breast augmentation
  • Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Vaginal rejuvenation
  • Laser treatments

Cosmetic Dentistry

Another important aspect of your appearance that may not be first to come to mind when thinking about your post-baby transformation is your smile. With a tight, busy schedule, you may be neglecting your oral health and forgetting to maintain your regular hygiene routine.

Some easy ways to take care of your teeth are to seek cosmetic care with a professional dentist. If you’re in need of a smile makeover from a cosmetic dentist who can enhance your smile with a teeth whitening treatment, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers, a cosmetic specialist like Dr. Amanda Sheehan may be everything you’ve hoped for your smile goals.

Spa Day

As women, we thrive on spa days. Getting pampered and treated for things that we normally don’t take care of after having a baby can instantly boost confidence and enhance your quality of life.

Calling up one of your girlfriends can add extra excitement as you get to sit and chat about life and anything else us women like to talk about. Taking a day to be spoiled is a treat and will definitely allow you to appreciate time for yourself.

Amazing spa day treatments many moms love after giving birth include:

  • Mani-pedis
  • Facials
  • Hair blowout or coloring
  • Waxing
  • Tanning

Say Bye-Bye to Your Baby Belly

Becoming a mother is a beautiful experience that no one should ever take for granted. It’s all right to not want to deal with the aftermath of your body after childbirth. Many things will change, but the best way to take care of them is to listen and take action.

With so many available treatments and methods of relaxing for your post-baby body, it’s simple to make the improvements you want as long as you take the time. No mom should be overworked, especially during the first few months after having your little one. Remember to rest and relax to ensure your health and wellbeing stay balanced and you’ll be a better version of you for both yourself and your new baby.

A Guide for Moms: Bouncing Back After Childbirth
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A Guide for Moms: Bouncing Back After Childbirth
Did you recently have a baby and can’t seem to find the time to take care of yourself? Here’s a guide that can help you relax and bounce back post-baby.
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