Cosmetic Surgery

Back-to-School Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic Surgery

It wasn’t too long ago that parents created care packages for college-bound students of favorite homemade snacks and DVDs. Today, growing numbers of teens and young adults are preparing for the back-to-school transition in an updated way: by spending their summer months pursuing cosmetic surgery to begin their fall semester with an improved look.

Pressure to Fit In

We’re living in a media-saturated age, with images airbrushed and Photoshopped to impossible standards of perfection, so it’s not uncommon for young people to feel self-conscious about aspects of their appearance. Whether it’s underdeveloped or asymmetrical breasts, a crooked or large nose or ears that stand out, some physical characteristics can be an impediment to emotional well-being. Making the transition to college fills young adults with a host of anxieties, not only concerning their academic performance, but also their social experiences.

Most Popular Procedures for Young Adults

Cosmetic procedures among teenagers have been on the rise for several years. The three most popular procedures among teens and young adults are breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and otoplasty. Breast augmentation can resolve breast asymmetry  or increase bust size to create more proportionate curves, helping young women feel confident about their figures. Rhinoplasty can reduce or reshape the nose so it’s in balance with facial features, while otoplasty improves misshapen or protruding ears.

Surgery for the Right Reasons

It’s important to get cosmetic surgery for the right reasons and young adults in particular should think carefully about their decision before moving forward. While no one should pursue elective surgery in response to social pressures, enhancing your natural appearance and increasing your own sense of happiness can have positive effects on every aspect of life. Whether achieved through surgery or not, the confidence to love yourself makes for the best back-to-school experience.

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September 24, 2015