Breast Augmentation

A Little Exercise After Breast Augmentation May Be Good for You

BeautySmoothie - Breast Augmentation - March 22

As you prepare for your upcoming breast augmentation, you will likely hear time and time again to expect some downtime for rest and recovery afterward. However, while getting enough rest and not pushing yourself too soon are certainly important, this does not mean that you won’t be able to do any physical activity at all while you recover.

In fact, the right amount of exercise during breast augmentation recovery can aid in the wound-healing process by promoting healthy blood flow. The key is to perform appropriate exercises for each stage of breast augmentation recovery so that you reap the benefits of light movement without hindering the healing process.

Exercise in the First 1 to 2 Weeks After Breast Surgery

Your body will need the most rest in the first 1 to 2 weeks after getting breast implants, so plan on taking it easy during this time. As you feel up to it, you can walk around the house or go for a short walk outside during this initial recovery period to promote circulation and keep your muscles from feeling stiff.

Aim for getting three 5- to 10-minute walks per day in the first two weeks of breast augmentation recovery.

Light stretching can also be helpful during this time, but take care not to overexert yourself or challenge your range of motion. Avoid any movement or motions that cause pain or discomfort, including raising your hands above your head.

As you continue to heal, you will gradually be able to move more freely and for longer periods of time. For now, however, don’t feel guilty about spending the majority of your time lying down, with short periods of standing or walking throughout the day.

Exercise in Weeks 3 and 4

Around three weeks after breast augmentation, you should be able to gradually step up the intensity and duration of physical movement. Light, low-impact activities such as riding a stationary bike or walking on a treadmill should feel comfortable at this point and will continue helping with circulation and the healing process.

Expect to have more “off days” during the healing process, and avoid upper-body exercises such as weight lifting or push-ups to avoid complications as your incisions continue to heal.

Exercise in Weeks 5, 6 and Beyond

As you continue to feel stronger and more comfortable, you can keep leveling up your physical activity. At six weeks after your breast augmentation, you should be able to resume your normal exercise regimen, as long as your plastic surgeon has cleared it and you are not experiencing any pain or discomfort. Listen to your body, and progress at a pace that works for you, contacting your plastic surgeon if you have any questions or concerns along the way.

Once your incisions have healed and your breast implants have fully settled into place, or “dropped and fluffed,”, your new implants should not keep you from playing sports or performing any exercises. That said, be sure to choose a well-fitted sports bra to accommodate your new size.

A Little Exercise After Breast Augmentation May Be Good for You
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A Little Exercise After Breast Augmentation May Be Good for You
How soon can you exercise after breast augmentation? The plastic surgeons at Kaufman & Davis Plastic Surgery in Sacramento share exercise tips by recovery week.
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