Brazilian Butt Lift

7 Things You Should Know before You Plan Your Brazilian Butt Lift

woman after brazilian butt lift

If you’ve been noticing a bevy of beautiful backsides everywhere you go, you’re not alone. Brazilian butt lifts are among the most popular of all cosmetic surgeries, with growing numbers of women (and men) signing up for the body contouring procedure each year. A Brazilian butt lift is actually a two-for-one surgery, as your body’s own fat is used to add volume and shape to your backside. The fat is harvested through liposuction of the abdomen, waist and back, which results in a streamlined silhouette.

If you’ve got your sights set on amplifying your assets to bring out the best in your booty, there are a few things to know.

  1. Stick with the Pros

    The only professional you should consider for a Brazilian butt lift is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has considerable experience with the procedure. A skilled cosmetic surgeon can work one-on-one with you to determine how you’d like your final Brazilian butt lift results to look, and can carefully explain both the procedure itself as well as what you can expect from your recovery.

    If you’re tempted to go the cheap route and pursue the procedure at a pumping party or via a black-market butt injection, think again. There are unfortunate stories of women who have died from cheap butt injections gone wrong.

    You owe it to yourself to only work with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

  2. Get the Timing Right

    After your Brazilian butt lift, you’ll need to avoid sitting for approximately 8 weeks. This means that you should definitely schedule your Brazilian butt lift with that time frame in mind. It’s best to have your Brazilian butt lift done when your schedule is quiet and you don’t have any travel booked or formal events to attend for several months. This will allow you to focus fully on your recovery so you can enjoy the best results possible.

  3. You Can’t Sit This One Out

    The most important part of your Brazilian butt lift recovery is to avoid directly sitting on your butt for 8 weeks. Prolonged sitting can reduce your circulation in your backside, which could lead the newly transferred fat cells to die. If you absolutely must sit, gently perch on a donut pillow for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, but it’s really best to avoid this if you can. After the initial 8 weeks of recovery, it’s still critical that you minimize the amount of time you spend sitting. And when you do sit, definitely use a donut pillow to cushion your butt.

    Most peoplereturn to work within 2 weeks of their procedure, and are able to resume their normal activities within 6 to 8 weeks of their Brazilian butt lift. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide you with clear instructions for your recovery.

  4. Your Compression Garment Is Your Friend

    Your cosmetic surgeon will give you a compression garment to wear after your Brazilian butt lift. The compression garment can help improve your comfort, minimize swelling and bruising and help your skin to retract. It is a vital component of your recovery, as the compression garment helps to expedite the healing process.

  5. Enlist Help

    A Brazilian butt lift is two procedures in one. This means that you’ll be recovering from both liposuction as well as the fat transfer to your buttocks. During your first week of recovery, you’ll need to prioritize rest and healing. It’s a good idea to enlist a friend or family member to help you during this time, especially if you have young children.

7 Things You Should Know before You Plan Your Brazilian Butt Lift
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7 Things You Should Know before You Plan Your Brazilian Butt Lift
Board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gordon Andan of New York Surgical Arts details important information to know before getting a Brazilian butt lift.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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