Breast Augmentation

7 Secrets to Winning at Breast Augmentation after 40

Breast Augmentation

Lots of women start thinking about getting a breast augmentation in their 40s and beyond for a number of reasons. First, this is typically a stage of life when you finally feel like you can stop, take a breath and spend some time on yourself. Most women have also completed their families at this point in their lives, essentially eliminating the risk of needing a revision surgery after having another child.

If you’re considering a breast enhancement in your 40s, take a look at these seven key tips for getting the most out of your procedure and absolutely loving your new curves.

  1. Choose an Experienced Plastic Surgeon

    The quality of the results that you can expect from your breast augmentation will be largely influenced by the skill and experience of your plastic surgeon. So one of the most important decisions you’ll make about your procedure is which plastic surgeon you’re going to work with.

    When choosing the right practice for your breast enhancement, look for qualifications like board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, ample experience performing breast procedures and before and after photos of previous results he or she has achieved.

    If you’re having trouble narrowing down your search, try scheduling an in-person consultation or two to see how effectively you’re able to communicate with each plastic surgeon and get a feel for how organized, clean and friendly the practice and staff are.

  2. Have Realistic Expectations

    Getting breast implants can help to improve your self-esteem and even your quality of life, especially if you feel like your body has undergone significant changes due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations or simply the natural aging process. That said, however, it’s important to keep in mind that while a breast augmentation can yield beautiful results, it won’t make you look like you’re 20 again.

    What breast enhancement can do is to enhance and highlight your natural curves, helping you look and feel like a more youthful, revitalized version of yourself.

    For this reason, make sure you discuss your goals and expectations in detail with your plastic surgeon so that he or she can help you determine whether or not those goals can be realistically met through breast enhancement surgery.

  3. Add a Lift to Your Breast Enhancement

    While breast implants can help you get the boost of volume you’re looking for, they won’t be able to do anything about skin laxity or sagging, which are common cosmetic concerns for many women over 40. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and aging can all contribute to a lowered breast position, which could get in the way of achieving optimal results from your breast enhancement.

    The good news is that you can restore a lifted, firmer look and feel by adding a breast lift to your procedure. Generally speaking, there are two different types of breast lifts: a full lift and a periareolar lift. The best choice for you will depend on your natural anatomy and your specific goals. In most cases, a breast lift can be easily combined with your breast augmentation, but your plastic surgeon can provide an individualized recommendation and surgical plan to help maximize your final outcome.

  4. Weigh Your Implant Placement Options

    There are two primary locations where your plastic surgeon can place your implants. The first placement type is called subglandular, where your implants will be located just underneath your natural breast tissue, but on top of your chest muscle. Submuscular implants, then, are placed beneath both your breast gland and your chest muscle. Submuscular placement is the option Dr. Rand always recommends for his patients.

    Submuscular placement can be a better choice for many women. There are no concerns about the ability to get mammograms, as the breast implants are located in an entirely separate space from your breast gland. The implants also have additional support compared to subglandular placement, so results can be long-lasting.

  5. Opt for a Natural-Looking Size

    Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to your breast implants.

    The age-old saying to “go big or go home” doesn’t necessarily apply to breast implants. In fact, the bigger you go, the more weight will be placed on your breasts, which can increase sagging over time. This is something to keep in mind when getting a breast augmentation at any age, but especially for women over 40 who are looking to maximize the longevity of their beautiful results.

    When choosing an implant size, don’t get too stuck on what bra size you’ll be. Instead, talk to your plastic surgeon about the right volume—measured in cubic centimeters—that will give you a bigger look while still remaining in balance with the rest of your body.

  6. Plan for Your Recovery

    Remember that it’s absolutely okay to take a little time for yourself, so make sure you do some planning well in advance to give yourself enough time to relax and recharge after your surgery. Most women take about a week off work to recover from their breast augmentation, but this can vary depending on the physical demands of your job and the rate of your body’s healing process.

    You should also arrange for help with kids, pets and other obligations so you can simply sit back, relax and recover.

  7. Take Great Care of Your Skin

    Taking care of your skin and body after your breast augmentation can help you to get longer-lasting results from your breast enhancement and minimize the appearance of scarring. Always wear sunscreen and eat a healthy, balanced diet to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy, youthful look.

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