Tummy Tuck

5 Tips to Get Your Body Ready for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Body Ready

Making the decision to go ahead with tummy tuck surgery is exciting, and there’s a lot of preparation involved. You have to take time off work and make arrangements for help with your recovery. Have you made sure your body is ready, too? While ticking off items on your tummy tuck prep checklist, don’t forget these helpful tummy tuck pre-op tips.

  1. Quit Smoking

    One of the most important tummy tuck pre op tips of all is to stop smoking. This is because smoking increases certain risk factors during and after surgery.

  2. Maintain a Steady Weight

    Avoid crash diets or other rapid weight loss methods before getting a tummy tuck. If you slim down to an unsustainable weight before you have body contouring surgery, you’ll likely gain weight again afterward.

  3. Make Sure You’re a Good Candidate

    At your tummy tuck consultation, you’ll work with your plastic surgeon to determine whether you are healthy enough to be a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery. Talk to your plastic surgeon about any medical conditions or injuries you are being treated for.

    Tell your plastic surgeon about any medications you take, including vitamins and herbal supplements.

  4. Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

    Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get plenty of rest. In order to prepare your body for surgery and recovery, you need to be in top condition.

  5. Follow Your Plastic Surgeon’s Instructions

    Last but far from the least important of these tummy tuck pre op tips is to closely follow the specific instructions your plastic surgeon gives you to prepare for surgery. These instructions will be tailored to your specific circumstances and should be taken very seriously.

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March 21, 2017
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March 21, 2017