Laser Skin Rejuvenation

5 Tips to Fade Wrinkles & More with Laser Skin Treatments

Close up of laser facial treatment with special equipment. client's eyes are closed with slight smile during procedure.

Laser skin treatments are some of the most requested cosmetic treatments available, offering a solution to a wide range of common skin concerns, including wrinkles, dark spots, acne scars, redness and more. But before you dive into your first laser treatment, arm yourself with as much knowledge and research as possible to help you get the absolute most out of your procedure. Start with these top five laser skin resurfacing tips.

1. Know the Different Types of Lasers Available

Not all laser skin treatments are created equal. There are a variety of lasers and non-lasers available, from ablative to non-ablative, and light therapy to radio frequency energy. Understanding the basic differences between these treatment types can help you narrow down your search for the perfect provider, as well as more effectively communicate your needs and goals.

Ablative lasers such as CO2 lasers are powerful skin treatments that work by removing the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and some of the middle layer (the dermis). This process triggers your skin’s natural cell renewal process, leading to a brighter, smoother and fresh new layer of skin. However, traditional ablative lasers can come with side effects like excessive peeling, redness, and in some cases, hyperpigmentation.

Non-ablative lasers are gentler than ablative lasers, but don’t generally yield as dramatic of results. Today, hybrid lasers are also available, giving you the best of both worlds without the harsh side effects. Halo™ by Sciton laser skin resurfacing is a popular hybrid fractional laser used for wrinkles, acne scars and much more.

2. Choose a Trained, Certified Professional

Your laser treatment can only be as effective and safe as your provider is trained and experienced. Ask about credentials, training and experience during your consultation to help you narrow down your search and ensure you’re choosing a qualified laser technician.

3. Consider Your Skin Type and Tone

What are your main skin concerns? Acne scars, rosacea, wrinkles, something else? The right laser skin treatment for you will be largely determined by what your specific worries are. If redness caused by rosacea, sun damage or other pigmentation issues are your main concerns, BBL treatments might be the best solution for you.

Additionally, some lasers are not well suited for darker skin tones. There are now more options than ever before for those with darker complexions. However, you’ll still want to do your research and discuss this in-depth at your consultation to avoid pigmentation problems or other potential complications.

4. Understand the Recovery Process

By their nature, laser skin resurfacing treatments cause your skin to peel. So expect to see some redness, tenderness and peeling before you begin to see your full results developing. Peeling usually starts around 3 to 4 days after your laser treatment, and it can take 2 to 3 weeks to see your final outcome.

5. Pair Your Laser Skin Treatment with the Proper Regimen

Wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water and eat a low-sugar diet to boost your skin from the inside out.

No in-office skin treatment is complete without the proper skincare regimen to back it up. Talk with your skincare professional about the proper regimen for your skin type and concerns, as well as what you can do to prolong your laser treatment results.


5 Tips to Fade Wrinkles & More with Laser Skin Treatments
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5 Tips to Fade Wrinkles & More with Laser Skin Treatments
Considering getting laser resurfacing for wrinkles and other concerns? The team at SpaVie in Plymouth, Minnesota shares 5 top laser skin resurfacing tips.
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