Breast Augmentation

5 Questions to Ask at Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

breast augmentation consultation

Once you’ve decided that you’re interested in getting breast implants, the next step is to pick a board-certified plastic surgeon with whom you can sit down for a one-on-one consultation. During this time, you’ll be able to discuss your goals and figure out which breast enhancement options may be right for you. To help you get the most out of your breast augmentation consultation, be sure to ask these questions.

  1. Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?

    There are lots of reasons why women consider breast augmentation. Whether your breasts have changed after pregnancy, you’ve never been happy with the size of your breasts or you’re bothered by asymmetry, breast augmentation may be able to help. Clearly communicate your goals to your plastic surgeon during your consultation so that he or she can help you determine if this procedure is the best solution to meet your individual needs.

    If you’d also like to achieve a higher breast position for a perkier look, your plastic surgeon might recommend combining a breast lift with implants.

  2. Which Breast Implant Size Should I Choose?

    One of the biggest concerns that women have when planning their breast enhancement procedure is what size of implants to choose. Several different factors can go into answering this question, including your natural anatomy, body proportions and your end goals.

    Breasts (and breast implants) are 3-dimensional, having a height, width and projection. Work with your plastic surgeon to help you select a breast implant size that will not only help you reach your goal but will also remain in proportion with the rest of your curves for a very natural look. Otherwise, your final results could end up looking fake and unbalanced.

    The current trend in breast augmentation is to get smaller, more modest implants for a natural look and feel.

  3. Saline or Silicone?

    Ultimately, the decision to get saline or silicone breast implants comes down to your personal preferences. But if you’re having trouble deciding, it can’t hurt to ask your plastic surgeon’s opinion. Since saline implants are filled after they’ve been inserted, the incision is usually slightly smaller than that of silicone implants, which come pre-filled.

    However, many women find that silicone implants tend to have a more natural look, feel and movement than their saline counterparts. Silicone implants do require an MRI to detect a possible rupture, though.

  4. What Surgical Techniques Do You Suggest?

    There are many different breast augmentation options that can affect your end result, and the best choices for you will depend on your body type, lifestyle and goals. While most women achieve a more desirable, natural look with the submuscular approach, there may be some women who would do better with subglandular augmentation.

    The placement of your incision is another variable that you can discuss with your plastic surgeon during your consultation. The most common breast implant incisions are inframammary, periareolar and transaxillary.

  5. What Is Recovery Like?

    Don’t forget to ask questions about your breast augmentation recovery as well. While your plastic surgeon should send you home with detailed recovery instructions, it’s helpful to have an idea of what to expect and how to prepare beforehand.

    Most women are able to return to work within a week or two after getting implants, depending on how physically demanding their job is. You will need to refrain from performing strenuous exercise or activities for 4-6 weeks, but you should notice gradual changes over these next several weeks leading up to your final results.

5 Questions to Ask at Your Breast Augmentation Consultation
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5 Questions to Ask at Your Breast Augmentation Consultation
Not sure which questions to ask at your breast augmentation consultation? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Dellinger of Austin shares his insights.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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