
4 Ways to Pamper Yourself after a Summer in the Sun

Pamper Yourself

While the summer sun may have left you with a radiant glow, the heat may not have been so kind to delicate skin. To fight the signs of aging brought on by the summer sun, consider these pampering solutions to four skin gripes that are sure to leave you ready to take on fall.

  1. Sun Damage and Freckles

    Even a small amount of time in the sun may exaggerate the appearance of freckles and other forms of pigmentation, such as melasma. In order to refresh your skin after extended sun exposure, Sciton BBL™ photofacials can be the ticket to more beautiful skin.

        The best treatments heal the damaging effects of the sun on your skin, while also diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  2. Squinting and Crows Feet

    Squinting in the bright light of summer can increase the fine lines around your eyes as the repetitive movements make lines deeper and more noticeable. To bring back smoother skin, consider BOTOX® treatments. BOTOX® is one of the most popular non-surgical options available, with results in as little as one day.

  3. Shaving and Razor Burn

    Shaving is not kind to your skin. If you are prone to serious razor burn, give yourself a head start on next year’s bathing suit season by starting laser hair removal treatments today. Not only will you have naturally smoother skin, the results can last long-term.

  4. Sweating and Summer Breakouts

    If you find you are more active in the summer, you may be seeing the effects of your sweat session on your face, just as if you had hit the gym. Get acne under control with a medical-grade facial treatment. Each med spa treatment is designed with your needs in mind, resulting in a more youthful appearance and clearer skin.

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September 19, 2016
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September 19, 2016