Feminine Rejuvenation

4 Ways to Be Extra Thankful for Your Intimate Area

Be Extra Thankful

Women’s bodies are wonderfully unique, strong and go through many changes throughout life. While some of these changes are welcomed, others can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, discomfort or even pain when performing everyday activities. Luckily, there are a number of both surgical and nonsurgical treatments that can help to alleviate these problems and get you back to feeling like yourself again.

Once you’ve found the best female plastic surgeon for your needs, talk to her about labiaplasty and these other popular feminine rejuvenation options.

  1. Labiaplasty

    Labiaplasty is now among the most popular cosmetic surgeries for women. Whether you’ve always felt self-conscious about the appearance of enlarged labia or you’ve experienced changes to your body due to childbirth, menopause or aging, labiaplasty may be able to help.

    This is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess tissue to carefully create smoother and more aesthetically pleasing inner or outer labia. Top female plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Harrington created the Trim-V labiaplasty technique, which combines curvilinear incisions and clitoral hood reduction to achieve seamless, beautiful results.

    Enlarged labia can cause pain or discomfort when wearing tight clothing, exercising or during intercourse.

  2. Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

    Next to labiaplasty, nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation options are becoming extremely popular among women of all walks of life. If you don’t want or need surgery but have concerns about vaginal laxity, dryness, lack of sexual satisfaction or pain or discomfort, there are quite a few nonsurgical options that can work wonders.

    is a revolutionary nonsurgical treatment that emits cryogen-cooled monopolar radio frequency waves (CMRF). Using this technology, Viveve can heat the underlying layers of tissue, stimulating collagen, without harming your skin and other surrounding tissue. The average Viveve treatment takes only about 30 minutes, and you should see full results within 3 months.

    Another popular nonsurgical option is the O Spot Shot. Essentially PRP injections for vaginal rejuvenation, this quick and easy treatment can help to improve sexual satisfaction, vaginal laxity and dryness and stress incontinence.

  3. Clitoral Hood Reduction

    Clitoral hood reduction is a cosmetic gynecology procedure aimed at improving the appearance and function of the tissue that protects the tip of the clitoris, called the clitoral hood.

    Excess tissue in this area can inhibit sexual satisfaction and may also contribute to pain or discomfort during sex. Some women might also be bothered by the appearance of an overly large clitoral hood. In these cases, a clitoral hood reduction, either on its own or combined with labiaplasty, can help to improve a woman’s self-confidence and the quality of her intimate relationships.

  4. Mons Pubis Lipo

    The soft mound of fatty tissue just above your labia is called the mons pubis. It can be very difficult to get rid of accumulated fat in this area, even with the right diet and exercise regimen. If you find that it’s uncomfortable or embarrassing to wear tight-fitting clothing because of this issue, mons pubis liposuction may be an appropriate solution.

    This procedure involves several very small incisions through with a small hollow tube called a cannula is inserted. Liposuction is then used to remove unwanted fat cells from the targeted area. A skilled plastic surgeon can carefully place these incisions to make them virtually unnoticeable as they heal. Some women choose to add mons pubis to their labiaplasty procedure to achieve even more comprehensive results.

4 Ways to Be Extra Thankful for Your Intimate Area
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4 Ways to Be Extra Thankful for Your Intimate Area
Want the best female plastic surgeon for labiaplasty? Plymouth board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Harrington is a top pick for these procedures.
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