Health & Wellness

4 Treatments For Making the Ultimate First Impression

First Impression

What do you remember most when first meeting someone?

Making a great first impression can help people remember you and can lead to connections that last a lifetime. Taking action to improve the parts of yourself that may jeopardize this first impression may be a worthwhile investment for yourself. While looking your best is definitely smart when you’re about to meet someone, it’s only part of the puzzle. That other part lies in the behavior and actions you take when talking with the new person. Details like being on time, making eye contact, and using a firm handshake all contribute to being memorable and well-liked when you first meet someone.

With hundreds of cosmetic options out there, which ones would contribute most to a first impression? Treatments that benefit your smile, hands, and eyes are a great place to start if you want to improve your look before meeting someone. Consider which of these cosmetic solutions would benefit you the most before your big meeting or event.

  1. Manicure for Smooth, Attractive Hands

    One of the most important parts of meeting somebody is the initial handshake. In addition to not gripping too hard or too soft, making sure your hands are well-groomed can make it a pleasure for the other person.

    Manicures are an easy, quick, and affordable solution as well, so they’re a great option for those who are tight on money or very busy. The average manicure costs just $20-50 and is completed within an hour, so consider a manicure when you know you’re about to be meeting people who you want to connect with.

    Five Popular Types of Manicures

    1. Hot Oil Manicure – Soak your hands in warm natural oils.
    2. Brazillian Manicure – Polish is applied to the nail and surrounding area.
    3. 3D Manicure – End up with an elaborate 3D design on your nails.
    4. Mirror Manicure – Gets you shiny nails that will definitely get noticed.
    5. Shellac Manicure – Typically involves brilliant colors and glossy nails
  2. Professional Teeth Whitening for a Memorable Smile

    Another key part of making an excellent first impression is to show a big, genuine smile. Whether you have stains on your teeth or not, a teeth whitening procedure from a cosmetic dentist like Dr. Mark Rangel can brighten your smile by up to ten shades in a single treatment. Plus, the whole session will take less than an hour.

    If you don’t have a cosmetic dentist in your area or don’t have money for the professional whitening, the next best choice is to purchase over the counter whitening products. These include whitening strips, toothpaste, gels, and mouthwash, and they contain a smaller amount of the same whitening agent that dentists use. Plus, they’re considerably more affordable.

  3. Laser Resurfacing for Smooth Skin When Making Eye Contact

    Does eye contact come easily for you? Some people automatically make perfect eye contact when meeting people, but others really have to focus on it. Either way, making eye contact when you meet someone is highly recommended. It shows beyond a doubt that you’re present and focused on the person you’re talking to.

    Optimizing this area around the eyes can improve your appearance in general, and there are many ways to make it happen. Laser resurfacing works by removing the first layer of skin, removing facial flaws on the surface in the process. Planning an appointment for laser resurfacing can ensure that your face is as smooth as possible before meeting new people.

  4. A Good Workout Plan So You’re Energetic and Toned

    If you have a big meeting coming up or a situation where you’ll be meeting important dating or career prospects, an intense workout can do a lot to prepare your mind and body.

    First off, no cosmetic procedure can replicate the toned, chiseled look you get after a tough workout session. By showing up slim, strong, and toned to meet new people, they’ll see that you’re someone who cares about your body and puts effort into it — which also conveys that you put effort into everything you do in life.

    The other advantage of working out that will be useful when making an impression is the energy and confidence it bestows on you. When you’re meeting someone for the first time and have an energetic gleam in your eyes, it shows that the possibilities are limitless with you and that you’re someone they should get to know. Enduring tough workouts is an excellent way to boost your confidence while improving various aspects of your health and appearance.

Maximize Your Chances of a Great First Impression

Like it or not, meeting the right people can change your life. Whether they lead to a thrilling new job, a long-deserved promotion, or a new relationship, it’s worth some time and effort to optimize yourself beforehand and boost the chances of a great first impression. By combining the right behavior with looking your best, you’ll be making meaningful connections in no time.

4 Treatments For Making the Ultimate First Impression
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4 Treatments For Making the Ultimate First Impression
You can only make one first impression and these treatments will help you ensure it's a memorable one.
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