Breast Augmentation

4 Surgical Techniques that Could Help Reduce Capsular Contracture

Woman in pink

Capsular contracture is one of the primary concerns of breast augmentation. This hardening of scar tissue surrounding the implant can result in an unnatural look and feel that can only be resolved with breast implant revision surgery. Fortunately, there are a number of things that can be done to greatly reduce the risk of capsular contracture.

1. Opt for Submuscular Placement

One of the advantages of submuscular implant placement is a reduced risk of capsular contracture, along with a natural look and more implant support. Choosing submuscular rather than subglandular placement may help keep capsular contracture at bay.

2. Choose an Inframammary Incision

Risk of capsular contracture may also be reduced by using incisions that minimize the exposure of the implant to contaminants. Placing the implant through an incision in the inframammary fold, the natural crease under the breast, usually results in a lower incidence of capsular contracture than other methods.

3. Ask about the Keller Funnel™

The Keller Funnel is an innovative instrument used to properly and precisely place breast implants without ever directly touching them. By increasing sterility and minimizing the exposure to bacteria, The Keller Funnel may significantly decrease risk of capsular contracture.

4. Find a Breast Augmentation Specialist

While many surgeons offer breast augmentation, in order to achieve the highest quality results possible, you should find a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. This can help ensure the use the most cutting edge techniques and technology that helps minimize surgical complications, including the risk of capsular contracture.

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December 16, 2014
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December 16, 2014