
4 Stages of Liposuction Results

Liposuction Results

As with any other procedure, it is important to have realistic ideas of what to expect following liposuction. Results may not be immediately obvious, instead developing over a period of time. Your natural body shape and the amount of fat you choose to have removed will also have a bearing on your new look. Generally speaking, you can break your liposuction results down into four stages over a period of time.

  1. After 1 Week

    After resting for a few days to aid recovery, you may be able to return to work within 2 to 5 days following liposuction, depending on how physically demanding your job is. Within 1 week, you should be able to return to light activities as bruising and swelling begin to heal.

    Keep in mind that early ambulation is extremely important. At Hamilton Surgical Arts, we encourage our patients to walk a mile the day after surgery and increase to 2 miles in a few days. This helps remove the tumescent fluid, mold the body and prevent clotting in the legs. Following these directions can help ensure optimum results.

  2. After 3 Months

    Approximately 90 percent of your final liposuction results can be seen by 1 to 3 months post-surgery. By this point, swelling may be gone, allowing you to see your new shape properly. Any numbness will generally also have disappeared by now.    You should bear in mind that, if liposuction has been carried out on both sides of your body, one may heal quicker than the other.

  3. After 6 Months

    By this stage, you may still experience a small amount of swelling, although most people will now be able to appreciate their new, improved body shape. The amount of swelling that occurs will depend on the area of the body on which the liposuction was performed and whether previous liposuction sessions have focused on the same area.

  4. After 1 Year

    After 1 year, you should be enjoying your final liposuction results. Former problem spots should be smoothed away, and you can expect your new look to last long-term as long as you maintain healthy habits.

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December 5, 2016
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December 5, 2016