Breast Implants

4 Reasons So Many Women Love their Breast Implants

Breast Implants

Women seek breast augmentation — which is consistently one of the top plastic surgery procedures — for a variety of reasons. Some want to add fullness to balance their figures, while others want to regain their pre-pregnancy look. But there are four main reasons why so many women love their breast enhancement results.

  1. Fill Out Clothing Better

    Women with naturally small breasts may have struggled with fitted clothing for years and needed the darts on shirts altered to improve the fit. After augmentation, women find that their new breasts fill out clothing better, eliminating the need for tailoring or having to disguise a poor fit with a jacket.

  2. Restore Lost Volume

    Women who have been pregnant or breastfed may have noticed that their breasts have lost volume or appear deflated. Breast implants can replace the lost volume and give breasts a fuller look. Your plastic surgeon may suggest including a breast lift to restore breasts to a more youthful position if sagging is a concern.

  3. Create a Proportional Look

    Breast implants can bring balance to your figure and accentuate your waist, especially for pear-shaped women. Plastic surgeons use their expertise every day to help women find the size, profile and type of breast implant that can best complement their figure.

  4. Results That Look and Feel Natural

    A skilled plastic surgeon and the right implant can ensure that your results look and feel very natural. Talk with your plastic surgeon about the pros and cons of saline vs. silicone implants, how placement affects your outcome and which shape is best for you.

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April 25, 2016