Neck Lift

4 Easy Ways to Prepare for Your Neck Lift

older woman in black fuzzy shirt

Neck lift surgery and its recovery are generally smooth and straight forward. However, there are some things that you can do prior to your neck lift that can help make the process before and after your procedure go as smoothly as possible. These four neck lift prep tips are great places to start prepping for your procedure.

1. Schedule Time off Work

Plan to take 1 to 2 weeks off of work to recover from your neck lift. If your job is not physically demanding, you may be able to return to work sooner than those with jobs that require more strenuous physical activity. You will need to limit vigorous physical activity and exercise for at least one month after getting a neck lift. Otherwise, you should be able to resume most of your normal daily activities around 2 weeks after your procedure.

2. Meal Prep

Eating nutritious meals during your neck lift recovery is vital to optimize your body’s healing process. It can be helpful to prepare a few large batches of healthy meals ahead of time and pre-portion and store them in your freezer so all you have to do is thaw and heat while you recover from your procedure.

Along with this, get grocery shopping done before your neck lift surgery day so your fridge and pantry are stocked up with healthy foods and drinks when you get home. Focus on eating fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean protein during recovery, and remember to drink plenty of water. Avoid or limit sports drinks or other sugary beverages to help your body heal more quickly and efficiently.

Avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol as much as possible while you recover from plastic surgery.

3. Pick up Prescriptions

Your facial plastic surgeon should order any prescriptions you will need prior to your plastic surgery day. Get these filled ahead of time if you can so you don’t have to worry about running to the pharmacy after your procedure.

You might also want to have some over-the-counter pain medication on hand, as well as lip balm, tissues, a new book or any other essentials and entertainment items you might want to make you more comfortable while you rest for the next several days.

Don’t take any medications or supplements that haven’t been approved by your plastic surgeon, however, until you’ve fully healed.

4. Arrange for Aftercare Help

You will need to have a responsible adult drive you to and from your neck lift procedure, as well as someone to help you around the house for the first few days of recovery. If you have children or pets, you’ll also want to arrange for extra help caring for them while you heal after your neck lift.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks, so try to get caught up on household chores like laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning prior to your neck lift so you can focus on resting and relaxing when you get home.

4 Easy Ways to Prepare for Your Neck Lift
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4 Easy Ways to Prepare for Your Neck Lift
Wondering how to prepare for neck lift surgery? Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Waleed Ezzat at the Boston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery shares four tips.
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