Breast Augmentation

3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Capsular Contracture

Capsular ContractureFor a variety of reasons, many women choose to get breast implants to enhance their natural curves. If you’re considering a breast augmentation, you may have come across the term “capsular contracture” during your research. This occurs when scar tissue forms around your implants, which may cause them to become hard or to change shape. While capsular contracture is somewhat unpredictable, there are a few ways you can reduce your risk.

  1. Incision Choice

    There are four primary incision types from which to choose prior to your breast augmentation, and each comes with its own set of benefits. However, some incisions may put you at a greater risk for capsular contracture than others. Typically, an inframammary incision, which follows the natural folds beneath your breasts, offers the lowest risk of developing this complication.

  2. Avoid Infection

    If your incisions become infected, you can be at a much larger risk of developing capsular contracture. To avoid infection, make sure to take any oral antibiotics that your plastic surgeon has prescribed to you and report any problems that you may notice during your recovery.

  3. Antibiotic Irrigation

    During your breast augmentation, your plastic surgeon can also take measures to lower your risk for complications as much as possible. One possible method is to minimize the chance of bacteria growth inside the breast pocket through antibiotic irrigation. This is something that you can discuss with your plastic surgeon during your consultation.

    Although capsular contracture can be difficult to prevent entirely, you can help to reduce your risk of complication by closely following your plastic surgeon’s instructions for recovery and discussing your breast implant options prior to surgery.

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August 18, 2016
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August 18, 2016